Impact Solutions

Buildings & Shelters

3D Printing Construction

Making homes and schools accessible for the poorest countries

This solution aims to accelerate the provision of schools in one of the poorest countries in the world, Malawi. More than 36,000 classrooms are needed and thanks to 3D printing, all those buildings could be completed within 10 years.

Label Date Mar 2021
by Holcim
From Switzerland
"3D Printing is a unique opportunity to speed up construction while creating better jobs, with unlimited customization potential. It can therefore address the backlog of dwelling units and scarcity of skilled workers met in multiple countries. In a nutshell, it is building better with less." Marjorie Chantin-Coquard

Vertuoz Control

An artificial intelligence-based solution for heating & lightning control of small buildings

An energy efficient solution based on artificial intelligence for heating & lightning control of small buildings which allows to consume energy only when its necessary while preserving occupants' comfort.

Label Date Nov 2019
From France
"It is crazy that in the 21st century we still heat a building while anybody is inside. Vertuoz Control is an energy efficiency solution to consume energy only when it is necessary and preserve occupant comfort. Thanks to connected objects and Artificia Frédéric Gailliot - Innovator Member of the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions

R' Booster

Air Booster transforms the metal cladding of building walls into a giant radiator

The solution helps provide long-lasting heat by transforming the walls of metal-clad buildings into a giant radiator using the sun. The system reduces the consumption of heating in winter, cooling in summer

Label Date May 2021
From France
"Did you know that during a sunny winter day when it's 10°C, the temperature of the metal sheeting walls of buildings with metal envelopes reaches around 65°C? What if we could harness all of that energy? R' Booster is a common-sense solution that prov nighttime cooling in the summer." Christophe Fourcaud - Innovator Member of the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions


A dynamic glazing that electronically tints to control the daylight and heat in buildings

SageGlass dynamically adapts its tint in response to weather conditions and the building's needs, to manage the daylight and heat in a smart way.

Label Date Sep 2021
From Switzerland
"SageGlass is perfectly suited to Nestlé’s energy efficiency strategy and helps create smart and modern workspaces." CLAUDIO BUCCOLA Buildings Maintenance & Energies ManagerBuildings Maintenance & Energies Manager at Nestlé

Landscape builder

Re-using construction soil for land-use developments

Re-uses inert (non polluted) construction soil to create land-use developments.These lands are designed to make an environmental and societal contribution with partnerships in the fields of renewable energy, urban agriculture and conservation of wildlife.

Label Date Feb 2021
by ECT
From France
"ECT promotes an adaptive nature-based solution at no cost to project stakeholders. We create the natural, agricultural and parkland spaces of tomorrow by reusing and recycling a high quality material, inert soil from construction sites". Sophie Alix

The Fossilizator®

Transformation of non-recyclable waste into carbon sinks in the form of aggregates usable in construction (BTP).

Transforms non-recyclable waste such as municipality waste, construction waste, industrial waste into stones. The Anthropocite, the mineral aggregate produced, can be used as raw material for the construction sector, especially for roadbeds and concrete.

Label Date Oct 2020
From France

Skywater & Sopranature

An iot-based approach for smart greenroof irrigation and air cooling

An iot-based approach for smart greenroof irrigation and air cooling. Skywater also mitigates urban heat island effect thanks to measurable evapotranspiration properties; reuses rainwater for domestic uses and greenroofs irrigation to save drinking water.

Label Date Mar 2020
From France
Water being a scarce resource, the Skywater/Sopranature solution makes perfect sense. Smart reusing rainwater and grey water to irrigate green roofs is an effective way of cooling cities and managing water efficiently. Alicia Adrovic, Ingénieure hydrologie urbaine.


A material-efficient concrete reinforcement solution for flooring, tunneling and precast applications

A material-efficient concrete reinforcement solution for flooring, tunneling and precast applications. By using steel fibers instead of traditional concrete reinforcement methods such as mesh or rebar, you can reduce the CO2 emissions by up to 35% for the

Label Date Mar 2023
by Bekaert
From Belgium
Materials used in construction, such as concrete, steel, and aluminum, are responsible for 23% of total global emissions. Dramix® steel fiber concrete reinforcement enables us, through optimized design, to save concrete and steel in many types of concrete elements, as opposed to traditional reinforcement. Kadir Aktas, Precast Segment Manager
Consumer Goods

NovaAir Heat Pump

An air-water heat pump that significantly cuts lifetime emissions in the building sector

NovaAir provides a sustainable, energy-efficient and easily integrable heating system for private households as well as commercial buildings, that is economically superior over the course of its lifetime.

Label Date Mar 2022
From Switzerland
"By salvaging free environmental thermal power, natural refrigerants and modern information technology our heat pumps save thousands of tons of CO2, whilst saving money every month. Fighting climate change can help your wallet." Thomas Meyer - Member of the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions, Innovator


A simple yet ecological shower drain with heat recovery

A shower drain that reclaims up to 42% heat energy from used shower water by pre-warming the fresh cold water

Label Date Dec 2020
From Switzerland
But the facts now speak for themselves, and especially in a house with 20 residents and a communal shower (four showers), the effect is certainly even greater. Not needing energy in the first place is the best thing, needing it more than once is the second best thing. This is where we come in, and that is why it was not a question of whether or not to install a heat recovery system in the shower. On the contrary - I consider it stupidity not to." Martin Jucker, co-owner of JuckerFarm


A fully automatic stylish in-house greywater recycling system

Hydraloop is an in-house greywater recycling system that recycles 85% of mains water, reduces the sewage load and saves energy.

Label Date Feb 2019
From Netherlands
It is crazy that in the 21st century - where billions of people don’t even have access to water - we still flush our toilets, do our laundry and water our gardens with water that in most places you can actually drink! It is our vision that every building has its own water source: this is lightly contaminated greywater and condensation water. And by collecting this water on the spot, treat and disinfect it, the water is thereafter clean, clear and safe to use again, for those purposes that do not need tap-water quality. Water is our Blue Gold and we should recognize the true Value of Water. Sabine Stuiver CMO & Co-founder


A wastewater heat recovery system for individual showers

A wastewater heat recovery system for individual showers. When the water is ejected to the sewers, its average temperature is about 33°C for a standard shower at 38°C. This energy could be used to preheat the fresh clear water and reduce the energy needed

Label Date Sep 2021
From France
Waste & Pollution

Breeze Technologies Environmental Intelligence

Smart sensors for air quality monitoring and improvement

Breeze provides hyperlocal air quality and climate data through smart, affordable indoor and outdoor sensors, as well as actionable environmental intelligence for corporates and cities.

Label Date Feb 2019
From Germany
"Current air quality monitoring approaches are like fire detectors that tell you once per hour if there is a fire. We aim to revolutionize the way we manage air pollution in our cities with real-time data and artificial intelligence-supported analytics." Robert Heinecke - CEO at Breeze Technologies


Centralized local compactions for waste collection and recycling

The solution enables a waste collection which is significantly more efficient, quieter and cleaner. The new approach based on local waste compaction not only reduces the number of transports, but also requires much less space in public areas.

Label Date Feb 2019
From Switzerland
"Wasteloops offers a new more efficient approach to waste disposal. The all-electric sideloaders and the use of presses result in fewer trips, no CO2 emissions, low noise and 80% energy cost savings. The future of sustainable waste disposal is here." Manuel Wyss - Project manager at System-Alpenluft AG

StixFresh & Shelf Defense

An all-natural and safe formulation applied on a sticker to extend the shelf-life of fresh produce by 2-weeks

An all-natural and safe formulation applied on a sticker to extend the shelf-life of fresh produce by 2-weeks

Label Date Apr 2022
From United States
Every minute we waste enough food to feed over 1 million people. At Ryp Labs, our mission is to put an end to food waste. To tackle this problem head-on, we developed food-safe stickers that you can simply peel and apply to certain fresh produce, to double the shelf life. "Moody Soliman, Ryp Labs' CEO & Co-founder

Lungs of the City

An approach to reduce exposure to particulate matter by targeted integration of sustainable air treatment technology

The Lungs of the City provides a validated solution to substantially improve urban air quality, aiming at particulate matter removal at exposure hotspot locations. The solution is based on a proven air treatment technology, combined with an scientifically

Label Date Jan 2023
From Netherlands
Breathing clean air is essential for well-being and healthy urban living conditions. With Lungs of the City it becomes possible to transform the existing city’s buildings, infrastructure and artefacts into air purifiers. A rather simple yet effective way to clean up the urban air for city residents, commuters, and tourists where it is needed most! Esmée van de Vorle, CEO

Eco Wave Power

A technology for generating clean & affordable electricity from ocean and sea waves

A technology that generates clean & affordable electricity from ocean and sea waves with an innovative design allowing it to be attached to existing man-made structures, simplifying installation and maintenance.

Label Date Oct 2018
From Israel
I grew up with a strong feeling of purpose; like I got a second chance in life, and I should be doing something good with it. I truly believe that Eco Wave Power is a great life mission, as I feel that my first “chance in life” was taken away by a not very safe way of producing electricity, so my “second chance in life” is all dedicated to the development of an innovative a highly impactful renewable energy source." Inna Braverman - Co Founder


Produce and consume local electricity from rooftops, thanks to the wind and the sun

WindBox enables to exploit the potential of wind energy production on roofs. It is able to exploit the wind that goes up along the facades of buildings to recover a maximum of energy.

Label Date Nov 2019
From France
"Buildings account for 40% of electricity consumption and 25% of carbon emissions within the European Union. That makes sense: that is where we live and where we work! We created WIND my ROOF to ensure that buildings can create their own electricity, from wind and from solar sources. It results in better energy autonomy and lower environmental impact." Juliette Fournand, Business Developer at WIND my ROOF


Ultra-lightweight, flexible and ultra-thin organic solar solution for rooftops

HeliaSol is flexible, ultra-lightweight and ultra-thin, which enables more surfaces to become energy generator. The film is perfectly suited on curved or non-straight rooftops, ones with low static conditions like old buildings or lightweight industrial b

Label Date Apr 2020
From Germany
"Can you imagine every building skin generates ultra-green electricity from the sun? We have the technologies to harvest the sun’s energy and produce green energy where its needed - in the buildings where people live and work.” Stephane Kube, Head of Marketing at Heliatek

Pumped Hydro Storage (PHS)

A renewable energy storage solution working as a giant water battery that enables the energy transition

A renewable energy storage solution working as a giant water battery that enables the energy transition

Label Date Feb 2022
From United States
"La technologie Hydro Pumped Storage est comme une batterie géante qui aide à résoudre les problèmes de stabilité du réseau. Comment ? l'eau est pompée d’un réservoir d’eau inférieur vers le réservoir supérieur en période de surplus d'énergie et, en période de demande, l'eau du réservoir supérieur est déversée dans le but de produire de l'électricité lorsque l'eau passe dans la turbine." Agathe Lefevre de la Houlpière, Communication Manager at General Electric

Celsius Energy

Celsius Energy offers a heating and cooling solution based on renewable underground energy that is compatible with most buildings

Celsius Energy’s innovation pivots around providing a low-carbon alternative to gas boilers and refrigeration units for heating and cooling buildings, based on renewable and consistent underground energy.

Label Date Apr 2020
From France


Geothermal and ai-based heating and cooling system for commercial and collective residential buildings

ACCENTA invented a low-carbon heating and cooling system that reduces up to 95% of the CO2 emissions compared to standard solutions. It relies on inter-seasonal geostorage and waste heat, from air-conditioners or low-carbon solar heat, produced during sum

Label Date Oct 2020
From France
The massification of the energy transition requires affordable solutions. At Accenta, we invented innovative technologies to decarbonize building’s heating and cooling at a competitive price with fossil fuels. We deliver them turnkey and financed so that there is no excuse anymore for not taking action Pierre Trémolières, CEO and cofounder, Accenta.


Turns ocean plastic into wealth by capturing it in rivers and extracting the highest value from it

The Blue Barriers are an award-winning solution to solve Ocean plastic pollution, by collecting it from rivers BEFORE it even gets to the Ocean.

Label Date Mar 2023
From United Kingdom


Cost-efficient early leak detection approach increasing maintenance team efficiency

A fully automated solution that transforms organic waste into energy-rich biogas on-site, which can be used for renewable heat and electricity.

Label Date Jan 2020
by Shayp
From Belgium

Skywater & Sopranature

An iot-based approach for smart greenroof irrigation and air cooling

An iot-based approach for smart greenroof irrigation and air cooling. Skywater also mitigates urban heat island effect thanks to measurable evapotranspiration properties; reuses rainwater for domestic uses and greenroofs irrigation to save drinking water.

Label Date Mar 2020
From France
Water being a scarce resource, the Skywater/Sopranature solution makes perfect sense. Smart reusing rainwater and grey water to irrigate green roofs is an effective way of cooling cities and managing water efficiently. Alicia Adrovic, Ingénieure hydrologie urbaine.
Food & Agriculture

AQUA4D: Water-Smart Irrigation

Precision irrigation for water efficiency and land restoration

Through its Swiss technology AQUA4D facilitates a better dissolution and distribution of minerals, promotes water retention in the soil, and better nutrient uptake by plants. This results in higher yields, growing more with less resources, and solving per

Label Date Jun 2019
From Switzerland
"Through precision technology, AQUA4D® maximizes outputs with minimal inputs: saving water, reducing fertilizer use, and regenerating soils across the world to boost plant health and food security." Chris Thomas

AgRho® S-Boost

An innovative solution for the treatment of seeds

AgRho™ S-Boost : a naturally derived biostimulant applied on seeds to increase plant vigor and protect your crop from climate stresses, such as drought or heat.

Label Date Apr 2019
From Belgium
"21st century agriculture is facing two major challenges : grow crops in a greener way & adapt to climate change impact. UV Boosting equipment helps farmers to reach these goals by stimulating natural defences of plants with UV light, making crops more resistant to pathogens, frost and drought." Baptiste Rouesné, CEO at UV Boosting

Helios UV Stimulation

Using UV light to reduce pesticide use

The Helios Solution is designed to be easily adapted to farmers and winemakers equipment. It consists of UV lamps panels designed to be waste-free, chemical-free, with no residue and no impact on biodiversity. Our design-to-cost approach enables an afford

Label Date Dec 2020
From France
"UV Boosting equipment helps farmers to reach these goals by stimulating natural defences of plants with UV light, making crops more resistant to pathogens, frost and drought." Baptiste Rouesné, CEO at UV Boosting

Phenix App

An app that connects businesses with consumers to avoid food waste

The Phenix App aims at reducing the waste of food businesses (grocery stores, restaurants, bakeries, convenience stores) by connecting them to consumers eager to save money and act for the planet. The consumers can buy themed baskets of unsold products on

Label Date Jan 2021
From France

Urban Radar

Efficient transportation planning to reduce traffic congestion in cities

Urban Radar provides a sustainable and efficient solution to plan, execute and measure city planning. It sells a data visualisation and analytical software that transforms public and private data into actionable insights and analytics to planners (transpo

Label Date May 2021
From France
"You'd be amazed at how powerful geographic analysis is as a tool to help cities and businesses with sustainable planning and transition. It's even more amazing that no one has yet managed to make it accessible to everyone!" Vianney Senlecq, Growth at Urban Rada

EV for All

Optimal route for electric vehicles and fleets including vehicle charging

The Solution provides the optimal route for EV drivers and fleets, including vehicle charging, by using a unique decision-making algorithm which combines data about the driver's calendar, the fleet's CRM, and the charging station in the areas.

Label Date Nov 2020
From Israel
Today, commercial fleets are responsible for a large part of the air pollution in the transportation sector and despite the economic interest, most vehicle fleets have not yet switched to green electric vehicles. MMD has developed an algorithm based on AI and ML that helps fleets to switch EVs quickly and efficiently and helps them to manage the EV fleet in an optimal way." Nissan Katz, CEO at Make my Day

Purple SOLO ®

A recyclable and recycled road surface to de-waterproof roads

This solution is based on strong regulatory obligations and on an increasingly important awareness of environmental problems and in particular those related to recycling. Today for every 3 parking spaces, Purple diverts 1 ton of waste from landfill and/or

Label Date Jan 2023
From France
« What if we turned your plastic waste into permeable car parks? » Mathilde Philipot, Chargée de communication at Purple Alternative Surface

Bocage Urbain

A sustainable urban solution managing rainwater and biodiversity for resilient cities

The Bocage Urbain storage structure takes the form of prefabricated cubes combining a rainwater retention basin and a tank of plants specifically designed to maximize evapotranspiration. Its structures are installed: on the linear tracks, buried in the gr

Label Date Nov 2019
From France
"Let's deploy sustainable urban nature in every city, even where there is no more access to land, without any dependencies to water source..." Baptiste Laurent, CEO at Vertuo


A unique liquid carrier facilitating the transport and storage of hydrogen: easy to handle, non-toxic and safe

HydroSil: the first liquid non-organic hydrogen carrier existing in the world. This carrier can transport hydrogen in a liquid state at ambient temperature and pressure by using the existing infrastructures for conventional liquids.

Label Date Jul 2022
From France
"“They did not know it was impossible so they did it”... that's what motivates us every day to go further at HySiLabs." Lisa Raoux, Project Manager at Hysilabs


A solution for employers willing to move to green professional mobility with e-bikes

V’lease is a turnkey solution for employers willing to move to green professional mobility with ebikes. It provides individual mobility to all employees at the cost of public transport subscription.

Label Date Aug 2019
From France


Turning any normal bicycle into an electric one

Turning any normal bicycle into an electric one. Installed on any regular bike, the Teebike wheel aims at giving a second life to every existing bike. Installed on the front of one's bike and connected to the Teebike application previously downloaded on o

Label Date Oct 2020
by Reebike
From France
I'm satisfied with my wheel, I drove over 8000km to get to work and I recommend the product to those around me. Patrice A. - Tebike customer since 2020
It allows me to pull a cart with a 25kg dog in it without too much effort in a country where it's all uphill, so thank you. Margot L. - Teebike customer since 2022
My life has changed since I got the Teebike wheel! Cyril P. - Teebike customer since 2022

Watèa by Michelin

An all-in-one solution to help the transition to electric mobility for professional vehicle fleets

Watèa by Michelin is a tailor-made electric mobility solution for professional vehicle fleets. Through an all-in-one global offer adapted to the needs of the business, Watèa by Michelin provides electric vehicles, access to a charging infrastructure and d

Label Date Apr 2022
From France
« MagicPallet is one of those few businesses that are truly a win-win solution for the whole ecosystem (transporters, 3PL, manufacturers) gathering everyone around one single common objective: reducing truck traveled distances. " Nicolas DAVRIL, directeur transport de Leroy Merlin France, groupe ADEO


A collaborative platform to exchange road freight pallets

A collaborative platform to exchange road freight pallets. put an end to the costly inefficient relocation system for pallets from one site to another and to its negative environmental impact by allowing its clients (road freight transport companies, manu

Label Date Feb 2020
From France
"Did you know that 30% of global wood consumption is used for industrial packaging? Almost of which single use.. Ponera replaces these old linear industrial processes with a circular reusable industrial packaging solution." Matthew Reali


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