Climate change solutions

How to stop climate change?

Climate experts are formal: the earth is warming and at a sustained rate. The cause is the increase in greenhouse gases of human origin, with the consequences of health, ecological and humanitarian crises of which we are seeing the beginnings. What is the meaning of climate change? What are the causes of climate change and its consequences? And finally what are the possible solutions?

01. Definition

What is Climate Change?

Climate change is a global modification of the climate over a long period of time (from decades to millions of years). These changes can occur both regionally and globally. By climate change we mean the increase in temperature from the middle of the 20th century to the present day. Even if climate change can also have natural causes, it is largely related to human activity and greenhouse gases.

02. Causes

Climate change causes

Greenhouse gases: greenhouse gases allow the sun to shine unimpeded on the Earth's surface. Natural greenhouse gases ensure a temperature suitable for life on Earth as opposed to man-made gases which cause a very high increase in heat. They prevent the heat from being reflected back into space and redirect it to the Earth. There are many greenhouse gases but here is a list of 6 gases regulated by the Paris Agreement.These are the ones that have the greatest impact on climate change:

  1. Carbon Dioxides
  2. Methane
  3. Nitrous Oxide
  4. Sulphur Hexafluoride
  5. Perfluorocarbons
  6. Hydrofluorocarbons

03. Impacts

Climate change effects

Some of the consequences of global warming have already been established by scientists. Here are some of them:

  1. Global Warming: the main effect of climate change is of course global warming. With an increasingly rapid growth of the planet's temperature due to human activities such as deforestation, intensive agriculture, mining or over-consumption.
  2. Air pollution: the main greenhouse gas is not counted as an air pollutant because it does not appear to affect health. However, there are links between climate change and global warming, such as the atmospheric concentration of some pollutants in the air.
  3. Water Pollution: water pollution and climate change are closely linked, both in rivers, seas and oceans. This pollution manifests itself in particular through changes in the flows of the various rivers, the increase in temperature and the pollutants concentration in the water.
  4. Land Pollution: the soil is equally hard hit by climate change. Human activity is significantly changing the climate and the nature of soils, which are both very fragile and most of the time over-exploited.

05. Implementations

Climate Change Solutions Implementations

Cleanea, Tomorrow’s Clean Today by Cleanea implemented by L'Oréal in Paris (France) in 2015

Multidrains geothermal wells by ENGIE implemented by City of Velizy-Villacoublay (France) in Velizy-Villacoublay (France) in 2021

ElectricFeel Shared Mobility OS by ElectricFeel implemented by City of Basel (Switzerland) in Basel (Switzerland) in 2018

SkySun's Solar Finance by SKYSUN implemented by M.I.M - Marché Intercommunal Mouscronnois in Mouscron (Belgium) in 2024

SkySun's Solar Finance by SKYSUN implemented by Calcaires de la Sambre in Montigny-le-Tilleul (Belgium) in 2024

Greenfib® by Greenfib® implemented by Ecouter Voir in Rennes (France) in 2021

SOLARBOX by Sun Soak Design implemented by Stephano Immo in Brussels (Belgium) in 2021

WITT energy harvesting by WITTEnergy implemented by US Department of Energy, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Seattle (United States) in 2023

B2P Optim by Bourse Premium professionnel implemented by 2B TRANS in Damblain (France) in 2021

Ennobox by E-nno Switzerland SA implemented by Edmond de Rothschild in Many cities (Switzerland) in 2021

Internationally scalable waste anaesthetic capture and recycling system by SageTech Medical Equipment implemented by Bupa - Cromwell Hospital in London (United Kingdom) in 2024

Tiamat Sodium-ion cells by Tiamat Energy implemented by Adeo in Lille (France) in 2023

Attributes Power by Attributes implemented by Air Products in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier (France) in 2018

TEYGO by Solamaz implemented by Ville de Saint-Georges in Saint-Georges de l'Oyapock (French Guiana) in 2024

Simplanterou by E-attract implemented by Keolis in Lyon (France) in 2020

ULTRAWATT PRO BiPV Façade by ULTRAWATT PRO implemented by Riot House in Clermont-Ferrand (France) in 2023

06. Conclusion

Climate change prevention

Good news - there are ways to reduce Climate Change. What solutions to consider?

  1. Renewable energies: changing our main energy sources to clean and renewable energy. Solar, Wind, Geothermal and biomass could be the solution.
  2. Sustainable transportation: our transport methods must be aligned with environmental requirements and reduce their carbon footprint. It is essential to rethink our transport methods from the design stage towards eco-friendly transportation.
  3. Air pollution prevention: many methods exist to prevent, control and reduce air pollution, in particular by reducing the consumption of fossil fuels, and limiting industry emissions and waste.
  4. Waste Management & recycling: the simplest solution to reduce waste is to adapt our production methods to our consumption patterns. The recycling process must also be taken into account in our consumption habits.
  5. Sea and Ocean preservation: oceans and seas are the largest storage of greenhouse gases and are an exceptional support system for life on this planet. Limiting overfishing, unsustainable development activities in coastal areas and the consumption of environmentally friendly products is now essential.
  6. Circular economy: use the 3 r's of circular economy (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) to significantly reduce our waste and avoid unnecessary production of new items.

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