The Label - A trademark focused on both the environment and profitability
The Label
Thanks to a rigorous evaluation process, the "Solar Impulse Efficient Solution" Label is the only evaluation that guarantees the economic profitability of products and processes that protect the environment. Considered a recognition for innovators and a credible trademark of quality for governments and companies, it enables decision-makers to find efficient solutions to meet their environmental commitments.
The Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label is designed to shed light on existing Solutions that are both clean and profitable. The Label is awarded to products, services, and/or processes that combine credible environmental and economic performance, while outperforming the mainstream options in its market.
The decision to grant the Label is based on a rigorous assessment performed by external, independent Experts. The development of stringent selection criteria has resulted in the Solar Impulse Label being internationally recognized and endorsed by several institutions, states, and cities around the world.
Each time I speak of protecting the Environment to heads of state or government officials, they tell me that it is too expensive. This Label is a strong message to them: solutions exist and represent the biggest market opportunity of our century. An opportunity which cannot be missed.
Bertrand Piccard
The Solar Impulse Foundation (SIF) has achieved the status of global leader in Cleantech Solutions, by referencing high quality Solutions that are not only environmentally friendly but that are also competitive from an economic standpoint. Solution can apply to be referenced by the SIF by filling a Solution Submission Form (SSF).
By filling the first part of the SSF, Solutions can be Featured on the Solar Impulse Solution Explorer. To go further and fully benefit from the SIF, Solutions are encouraged to apply for the Solar Impulse Label by filling out the second part of the SSF and being evaluated by independent experts.
Please note that only the Standards here are considered as valid information for the Label.
The following eligibility criteria apply under all circumstances, a Solution must:
Once the World Alliance (WA) Member profile is completed, the applicant has access to the Member Dashboardwhere he/she can start filling in the Solution Submission Form (SSF) Part 1 and submit it (20-40 minutes). If successful, the solution will be displayed in the Solar Impulse Solution Explorer as a featured Solution.
Once the Applicant has successfully featured the Solution in the Solar Impulse Solution Explorer and has verified the eligibility criteria for the label, the official submission of their Solution for the Labeling process can begin by filling the second part of the Submision Form (SSF part 2). Once the SSF part 2 is initiated, applicants have 30 days to complete the application. When submitted, the Solar Impulse Team will come back to the innovator with feedback to improve the SSF before the expert assessment.
Once validated by the SIF team, applications are assigned to three external independent Experts, selected impartially based on their sectors of expertise, to conduct the Expert Assessment. The assessment methodology is designed to evaluate candidate solutions against three criteria: Feasibility, Environmental Benefits and Client’s Economic Incentive. Once three usable assessments are completed by the experts and validated by the SIF’s Team, a final outcome can be determined. Both positive and negative outcomes will be communicated to both the Member and the Experts in written format (via email) and compile the three usable assessments performed by the Experts assigned to the Solution.
In addition to the Assessment Summary Report (ASR) Labeled Solutions will receive a communication toolkit which contains the Solar Impulse Efficient Solution logo in several versions. Members are encouraged to communicate about the SIF Efficient Solution Label within the guidelines provided by SIF.
In 2022, as part of SIF’s continued commitment to upholding the value, credibility, and impact of its Label, the Label Update Program (with retroactive effect) was introduced to give the opportunity to labeled Solutions to update their label 3 years after their original labeling date. The Label Update Program (LUP) aims at introducing a process for already-Labeled Solutions to reaffirm their association with SIF as well as receiving an official confirmation that their solution still meets SIF standards. More information can be found in our Label Standards.
Ernst & Young (EY) collaborates with the Solar Impulse Foundation to provide expertise in securing the robustness of the Labelling processes which is the backbone of the Foundation’s mission to select and support clean and profitable projects worldwide. EY’s contribution focuses primarily on challenging the concept behind the Label selection process - including the choice of evaluation criteria, eligibility, and expert’s format of involvement– helping concretely shape and improve the future of the Efficient Solution Label. External auditing are performed on a regular basis on a significant sample of Solutions.
More about The Label
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