01. Definition
What is the energy crisis?
In recent years, many scientists have raised their voice to warn about climate change, caused notably by the burning of oil and coal in order to produce energy.
Solutions to the energy crisis
Over the last two centuries, energy needs have skyrocketed dramatically, especially because of the transportation and industry sectors. However, fossil fuel are polluting and their reserves are limited. We know today that these resources are close to exhaustion and our societies are facing a major challenge: the energy crisis.
01. Definition
02. Causes
03. Impacts
04. Solutions
05. Implementations
INERGYS GreenPack by INERGYS implemented by Centre d’ Essais Climatiques de l’Aigoual in Mont Aigoual (France) in 2024
Hydrogen electric powertrain for aviation by ZeroAvia implemented by Royal Schiphol Group in Rotterdam (Netherlands) in 2021
Solfium by Solfium Inc. implemented by Café K’airo in Santiago de Querétaro (Mexico) in 2023
Solar Thermal Decarbonization by TVP SOLAR implemented by PepsiCo in Sete Lagoas (Brazil) in 2022
RelaySmartOne : the remote controlled relay by DFM-Europe implemented by Media Transport in Paris (France) in 2023
Emma 3.0 by Aurora's Grid implemented by Romande Energie SA in Morges (Switzerland) in 2022
Hivenet by Hivenet implemented by Inria (French National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology) in Le Chesnay Cedex (France) in 2022
Coomtech Kinetic Energy Drying System by Coomtech Ltd implemented by Hive Aggregates in Retford (United Kingdom) in 2023
Concentrated Solar Thermal Solution by Azteq implemented by ENGIE in Seville (Spain) in 2022
BLOKIWOOD by Dom'innov implemented by Supermix in Eybens (France) in 2021
FLEXINERGY INFRASTRUCTURE by Evolution Energie implemented by Groupe ADP in Paris (France) in 2018
GridCal by PSInsight GmbH implemented by NGN Netzgesellschaft Niederrhein Mbh in Krefeld, Straelen, and Wachtendonk (Germany) in 2020
Paragon Pod by Paragon Mobility implemented by Vestas France in Sancheville (France) in 2020
Comwatt power by Comwatt implemented by Ikea France in Multiple cities (France) in 2019
HeliaSol by Heliatek implemented by ENGIE in La Rochelle (France) in 2017
Sympheny by Urban Sympheny AG implemented by IBC Energie Wasser Chur in Dübendorf (Switzerland) in 2020
06. Conclusion