Volunteering for a nonprofit: Join our team of international experts
1000 solutions
The Solar Impulse Foundation has committed to identifying Solutions that can protect the environment in a profitable way, demonstrating to decision-makers that such solutions exist and that they can adopt more ambitious targets, policies and regulations to help bring them to market.
To do this, we need Experts in business, technology and sustainability with more than five years of experience to assess these Solutions according to their technological feasibility, environmental and socio-economic benefits, and potential or realised profitability. The Solutions that meet this criteria will be labelled as Solar Impulse Efficient Solutions, giving them credibility and visibility.
Your involvement as an Expert will allow you to get direct insight into recent innovations and the landscape of clean and profitable solutions that exist in your area of interest. If an Expert finds a solution of interest, the World Alliance will try to enable an introduction to the Solution’s provider. Being part of the Expert Community will also allow you to:
Receive invitations to attend high-level events;
Join an exclusive Community of Experts from all over the world;
Participate to Experts’ Challenge events and assess solutions in teams;
Access and evaluate exciting technologies in the cleantech sector;
Tailor your voluntary contribution and receive feedback;
Meet innovators and their solutions.
Lastly, you would be contributing to the achievement of the Solar Impulse Foundation’s ambitious challenge to identify and label solutions to protect the environment and shape a cleaner future.
There are several prerequisites to join the Expert Community:
A strong technical or academic profile;
At least five years of experience focusing on one of our Sectors and Applications (see Sectors and Application filters on the Solution Explorer);
Fluency in English;
Enthusiasm, flexibility, and interest in the Solar Impulse Foundation's mission.
The contribution of each Expert may vary over time depending on the Expert’s expertise, the number of solutions seeking the Efficient Solution Label, and very importantly the availability of the Expert. Assessing one solution can take an Expert anywhere between 2-5 hours, depending on the complexity of the solution in question and the level of detail to which the Expert goes into. With this in mind, the Expert can accept or decline assignment depending on their current availability.
To register, you will need to create your account on the Solar Impulse’s Website. You then need to complete your profile, indicating your areas and years of expertise. Once you finalize this information you can submit your profile. The application will then be reviewed by the Solar Impulse Foundation Expert Team and once your profile is validated, you will need to follow the mandatory e-training (available on your Expert Dashboard). In this interactive training (approx. 20-30 minutes) you will learn all the necessary information on how to complete assessments.
Please note that you will not be assigned to a solution until you complete this training, and your Expert profile will be retired if you do not complete the training.
The role of an Expert is to assess solutions which have submitted their application to obtain the Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label. An Expert receives solution invitations tailored to his/her Expert profile. The Expert can then access the Solution Submission Form (10-20-page file) which contains all the information regarding the solution, and he/she is expected to accept or decline within 5 days. If the Expert accepts the solution, he/she is then expected to:
Evaluate all the five criteria,
Ask questions to the Innovator in the chatbox (if needed/relevant),
Complete and submit the assessment within 15 days from the assignment date
The Expert will then be notified of the outcome of the Solution he/she has assessed once three Experts have assessed that solution, and on a case-by-case basis, may receive feedback from the Solar Impulse Foundation team.
We are not able to financially remunerate Experts for their time and effort. SIF provides all its services free of charge to its members, including the solution assessment process, thanks to the partners of the Solar Impulse Foundation.
Still have questions about the label?
Here are just a few of the things people frequently ask about being an Expert. If you don't see your question here, get in touch with us.
Expert Community
The Solar Impulse Foundation Expert Community is a group of professionals with more than five years of technical experience in one or more of our 5 sectors of activity. The Experts play a key role in the labelling process, using their technical and professional expertise to assess and critique Solutions seeking the Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label. They come from various backgrounds, sectors, companies and countries, but are all brought together by a common passion for sustainable solutions.
How it Works
Interested? Here’s how to get started
Sign up to become an EXPERT!
By signing in, you agree with our Terms of Services
Create a profile
Create your account, complete your profile and indicate your areas of expertise and years of experience. If you have the right background for this role, you will undertake training to become an Expert.
Once a Solution is assigned to you for assessment, you will be given the opportunity to read a short description of it and then either accept or decline the option to assess the Solution. If accepted, you will gain access to the full Solution submission, which will serve as the basis for your assessment.
You will assess the Solution against three criteria: technological feasibility, environmental and socio-economic benefits, and potential or realised profitability. This is done in accordance with our Certified Methodology using your own experiences and competencies. The assessment takes place online, with your feedback collected in the form of comments and an overall judgment for each criteria. Your completed assessment will be sent to the Solar Impulse Foundation team for review, who will then validate or reject Solutions based on the judgment of the Experts.
Your involvement as an Expert will allow you to get direct insight into recent innovations and the landscape of clean and profitable solutions that exist in your area of interest. If an Expert finds a solution of interest, the World Alliance will try to enable an introduction to the Solution’s provider. Being part of the Expert Community will also allow you to:
Receive invitations to attend high-level events;
Join an exclusive Community of Experts from all over the world;
Participate to Experts’ Challenge events and assess solutions in teams;
Access and evaluate exciting technologies in the cleantech sector;
Tailor your voluntary contribution and receive feedback;
Meet innovators and their solutions.
Lastly, you would be contributing to the achievement of the Solar Impulse Foundation’s ambitious challenge to identify and label solutions to protect the environment and shape a cleaner future.
There are several prerequisites to join the Expert Community:
A strong technical or academic profile;
At least five years of experience focusing on one of our Sectors and Applications (see Sectors and Application filters on the Solution Explorer);
Fluency in English;
Enthusiasm, flexibility, and interest in the Solar Impulse Foundation's mission.
The contribution of each Expert may vary over time depending on the Expert’s expertise, the number of solutions seeking the Efficient Solution Label, and very importantly the availability of the Expert. Assessing one solution can take an Expert anywhere between 2-5 hours, depending on the complexity of the solution in question and the level of detail to which the Expert goes into. With this in mind, the Expert can accept or decline assignment depending on their current availability.
To register, you will need to create your account on the Solar Impulse’s Website. You then need to complete your profile, indicating your areas and years of expertise. Once you finalize this information you can submit your profile. The application will then be reviewed by the Solar Impulse Foundation Expert Team and once your profile is validated, you will need to follow the mandatory e-training (available on your Expert Dashboard). In this interactive training (approx. 20-30 minutes) you will learn all the necessary information on how to complete assessments.
Please note that you will not be assigned to a solution until you complete this training, and your Expert profile will be retired if you do not complete the training.
The role of an Expert is to assess solutions which have submitted their application to obtain the Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label. An Expert receives solution invitations tailored to his/her Expert profile. The Expert can then access the Solution Submission Form (10-20-page file) which contains all the information regarding the solution, and he/she is expected to accept or decline within 5 days. If the Expert accepts the solution, he/she is then expected to:
Evaluate all the five criteria,
Ask questions to the Innovator in the chatbox (if needed/relevant),
Complete and submit the assessment within 15 days from the assignment date
The Expert will then be notified of the outcome of the Solution he/she has assessed once three Experts have assessed that solution, and on a case-by-case basis, may receive feedback from the Solar Impulse Foundation team.
We are not able to financially remunerate Experts for their time and effort. SIF provides all its services free of charge to its members, including the solution assessment process, thanks to the partners of the Solar Impulse Foundation.
Still have questions about the label?
Here are just a few of the things people frequently ask about being an Expert. If you don't see your question here, get in touch with us.