Member - Solar Outdoor Media GmbH

SOLAR OUTDOOR MEDIA GmbH (SOM) is a German registered company in Berlin, we focus on Smart City Solutions.

Type Company
Founded 2016
Company Size 7
Member Type
Founders Luciano Guido
Headquarters 10719 Berlin, Germany
Social network
Solar Outdoor Media GmbH


As a matter of introduction, we are SOLAR OUTDOOR MEDIA (SOM) a German company based and registered in (Berlin) Germany (with offices & collaborations in Spain, Portugal, USA (Miami, Los Angeles), Dominican Republic and Aruba Island). We specialize in design and build solar self-sustainable efficient smart city solutions like our Solar Wifi Eco Bin. It is a smart waste management bin with IoT sensors that promote recycling awareness and a healthy community connection with cities and their people, today there’s a void in the marketplace for attractive, smart waste sanitary and safe recycling and refuse centers. While anticipating that these SOLAR enhanced products will appeal to a broad base of consumers around the globe, our smart waste management IoT sensors with the citizen app and data control for waste management make our SOLAR Wifi Eco BIN more integrated to Citizen Awareness, Healthy, Solid Waste & Recycling Management. Our IoT sensors provide smart enterprise-grade waste management solutions cost-efficiently and manage the waste lifecycle in order to improve the environment and well-being. Our analytics and reporting tool allows users to acquire big data and make data-driven decisions. The tool prepares various types of statistics, reports and measurements related to monitored bins and their content, pick-up analyses, and collection route analyses, make data-driven decisions getting the valuable insights and truly understand the waste management. Our Smart Waste Management System integration with a powerful cloud-based platform enables our end customers to configure, monitor and manage daily waste management, besides the real-time waste monitoring, the tool can also plan the optimal collection routes and semi-automate navigation, also remote management waste remotely via mobile apps for operators, drivers waste collectors and citizen users. When these selling points are combined with fact-based projections of revenue building models through the illuminated media space that the SOLAR WIFI ECO-BIN offers to partner, the sale-ability of SOLAR WIFI ECO-BINS overpowers every competitor. Recent in-market studies where the SOLAR WIFI ECO-BINS have been deployed, the public have responded very positively, and the partner employing the BINS has had great success. Municipalities in the USA and cities abroad are showing an increase in attention and interest from their local businesses. It is a multi-functional Advertising Space Revenue Vehicle that gives back to the community by providing recycling conscious solar energy, free Wi-Fi hotspots, USB enabling mobile device charges access and more, all while creating a communication stream between residents & tourist alike with local city organizations and businesses through static and mobile-device advertisement growing the local Economy. Currently we are looking for funding and/or equity partners to fulfill our product orders estimated in EURO €3,000,000,00 that would allow us to fulfill backorders totaling 1.000 units, once deployed we estimate €300,000 per month income from the advertising media on the solar wifi eco bins, this projection is based on a very low and conservative €300 net profit per unit per month ad-space revenue which does not include Wifi Media Sales, trough our collaboration and investments support for our further development with our latest innovative technologies on our alternative and renewable energies & waste management control solution. Waste Management Market today is a 235 Billion dollar market with a projection of 435 Billion dollars by 2023. We would like to request for a conference call and have the opportunity to explain you better about our company and our line of solar self-sustainable efficient alternative and renewable energies & waste management solution with the aim to engage in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Please find attached our business presentation. Here the link for your review:
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Headquarters 10719 Berlin, Germany

SDG’s of application

The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity everywhere.
Clean water and sanitation
SDG 6 icon
Affordable and clean energy
SDG 7 icon
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 9 icon
SDG 11
Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 11 icon
SDG 12
Responsible consumption and production
SDG 12 icon

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