Aero Engine Craft is developing contrail-free aero-engines for the reduction of global warming and to induce artificial rain during aircraft flight through on-board water recovery from fuel emissions; creating a vision of the future for the aviation industry whereby it can not only reduce aviation induced global warming but also adopt an approach to treat the fuel emissions as a resource. A revolutionary technology is employed that eliminates contrails at source and recovers water from fuel exhaust emissions as a net positive product. This is a true definition of a disruptive technology; a global first attempt to create water within the aero-engine from the exhaust plume during flight, carry it aboard and release it as rainfall prior to landing. Our product is a low cost alternative to aero- engine redesign, and offers revenue potential to the aviation industry while solving a crucial environmental challenge. The core technology is based on the research outcome of a PhD study conducted by Dr. Sarah Qureshi at the Propulsion Centre, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Cranfield University UK in collaboration with the inventor of the technology Mr. Masood Latif Qureshi. Aero Engine Craft is set up to convert this patented technology into a full scale commercial application ready to be used by modern civil transport aircraft. The business is modelled as a circular economy creating value for global engine manufacturers, aircraft manufacturers and airlines by providing compliance to environmental standards and revenue through emission trading and artificial rainfall. Aero Engine Craft aims to mark the beginning of the first contrail-free aircraft flight in the world!
SDG’s of application
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