1000+ profitable solutions to protect the environment

To address environmental challenges without compromising economic growth, Bertrand Piccard and the Solar Impulse Foundation have identified 1000+ clean and profitable solutions, and are now committed to going even further. By offering political and economic decision-makers a Guide to Solutions that can be implemented on a large scale, the Foundation will help them establish a roadmap for the adoption of much more ambitious energy and environmental programs and thus achieve their carbon neutrality objectives.

Discover Solutions Explorer

Solutions exist that are logical more than just ecological, that can create jobs and generate profit while also reducing polluting emissions and preserving natural resources.

Bertrand Piccard

Solutions Explorer

The search-engine for climate action

This dynamic, free-access database showcases 1,000+ clean and profitable Solutions from all over the world which have been assessed by independent experts for their environmental and economic performance.
Solution Explorer allows business, public authorities or individuals to work towards their climate objective. Its user-friendly filtering tool enables Solutions to be selected based on sectors, clients, applications, environmental benefits and technologies.

To Solutions Explorer


The Efficient Solutions portfolio

A « pool » of solutions, ready to be promoted among decision-makers. By bringing to decision-makers 1000+ clean and profitable solutions, Bertrand Piccard wants to demonstrate to decision-makers the financial profitability of clean technologies and therefore, push governments to adopt more ambitious energy policies and environmental targets.

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Latest labelled solutions

Bertrand Piccard

A voice to encourage the implementation of solutions

A pioneering vision, considering ecology through the lens of profitability. As an influential voice on progress and sustainability, Bertrand Piccard is now working to develop collaborations with governments, institutions and large companies to give them practical tools to reconcile ecology and economy and prove that solving climate change - rather than an expensive problem - is a fantastic market opportunity.

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Discover the New Climate Narrative
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5009 Members
357 Experts

World Alliance

An alliance to federate

A global strike force to fast-track solutions. Strong believer in the power of synergies and in the need to bring together clean technology players, Bertrand Piccard has launched the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions. This Alliance comprises 5009 innovators, investors, adopters, promoters, and, most importantly, a "pool" of efficient solutions assessed by a community of 357 experts. Our mission is to promote these efficient solutions among decision-makers, the media, and the public, ultimately boosting their adoption.

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Historic Flight

A historic first

A first in energy to showcase the potential of clean technologies. When Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg succeeded in flying 43,000 km around the world in a solar-powered airplane without using a drop of fuel, it was more than a historic first, it was a first in energy highlighting the potential of clean technologies that can do more than we ever thought possible, reducing our energy consumption, protect natural resources and improve the quality of life on Earth.

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A shared vision with partners

A support to fulfill its mission. Thanks to the continued support of its partners, the Solar Impulse Foundation can fulfill its mission, fund the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions and offer all services to its Members entirely free of charge.