On 6th February 2025, the Buildings Breakthrough Deployment working group, led by the Solar Impulse Foundation in collaboration with UNEP and the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction, will hold a workshop to shape one of its key deliverables for COP30: the Catalogue of Solutions.
This session will bring together representatives from 12 member countries across three continents, leading NGOs, and private sector partners to establish a clear methodology and scope for the catalogue. Discussions will focus on identifying priority challenges, defining selection criteria, and ensuring the catalogue serves as a practical resource for adopters, including governments and industry stakeholders.
As a cornerstone of the Deployment working group’s 2025 efforts, the catalogue will showcase high-impact, replicable solutions for scaling near-zero emissions and climate-resilient building technologies. This workshop is a crucial step in ensuring the final deliverable is comprehensive, actionable, and aligned with the needs of both public and private sector actors."