La Tribune - 10'000 startups to change the world

La Tribune - 10'000 startups to change the world


(For innovators based in France only) - Register in your region until January 22nd to have the chance to win €100'000 of advertising space on the various La Tribune media and network with their partners.

For its 10th anniversary, the 10'000 startups to change the world prize is back for its tour of France and the Overseas Territories. Apply to this contest dedicated to innovative entrepreneurship in France. Be one of the 48 winners who will be awarded prizes at the end of La Tribune's tour of France's innovation in 8 cities (Marseille, Lyon, Nantes, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Lile and Strasbourg). Among the 48 awarded, 10 winners will be revealed on the stage of the Grand Rex in Paris, on March 28, 2022, in the presence of the entire French Tech ecosystem.
The 10 national winners will receive €100,000 worth of advertising space to spend as they wish on the various La Tribune media.
It is an opportunity for media coverage spread over three months: articles after each stage of the tour by La Tribune and the invited media, a support campaign on social networks for their 48 winners, a portrait by a La Tribune journalist and spotlights at the Grand Rex for the 10 grand prize winners.

Apply in your region until January, 22nd 2022. 


Date From January 20, 2022
to February 18, 2022
Apply byJanuary 22, 2022
Duration 30 days
Location France
