Member - vilisto GmbH

vilisto digital heat management solution transforms the way energy is consumed in non-residential buildings.

Type Startup or self-employed
Founded 2016
Company Size 48
Member Type
Founders Christoph Berger, Lasse Stehnken, Christian Brase
Headquarters 21079 Hamburg, Deutschland
Social network
vilisto GmbH


vilisto's digital heat management solution for non-residential buildings is based on self-learning and fully automated radiator thermostats, which enable the transformation of how energy is consumed, while reducing CO2 emissions, heating energy and costs by up to 32%. Buildings account for about 30% of the energy consumed globally. In Germany, non-residential buildings account for about 37% of building-related energy consumption, in which heat consumption comprises the largest share with more than 70%. Within this context, employees often consume heat inefficiently, since the costs are borne entirely by the employer. This underlying so-called “free-rider problem” creates an enormous potential for energy and cost savings, because offices are often heated continuously. Nevertheless, in many cases they are not used up to 80% of the time due to meetings, weekends, holidays or at night. vilisto’s self-learning and fully automated radiator thermostats enable customers to effortlessly achieve the highest savings in energy consumption on the market without the need to change user behaviors or manually program the devices. The integrated presence detection, learning algorithms and room climate sensors enable a fully automatic and demand-based regulation of room temperatures. vilisto’s thermostats learn and anticipate user behaviors for each room individually, so that the radiators are controlled fully automated and according to demand. The system also incorporates the weather forecast into the control system. In addition, the connected web portal ensures an effective and efficient management of property portfolios. Therefore, vilisto’s digital heat management solution demonstrates an essential path that realizes both – the ecological and economic dimension of a sustainable energy transition.
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Headquarters 21079 Hamburg, Deutschland

SDG’s of application

The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity everywhere.
Clean water and sanitation
SDG 6 icon
Affordable and clean energy
SDG 7 icon
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 9 icon
SDG 11
Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 11 icon
SDG 12
Responsible consumption and production
SDG 12 icon

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