Veridis develops the first (patented) scalable analysis for plastic recycling, enabling high-end recycling at scale.
TypeStartup or self-employed
Company Size6
Member Type
FoundersNigel Visser, Jeroen Glansdorp, FLoris Gerrtisen & Wessel van der Woude
Headquarters5654 DB Eindhoven, Netherlands
Social network
Plastics are complex and there are dozens of different types with specific traits and characteristics. Some are rigid, others flexible, some are transparent and others are heat-resistant. All these plastic types serve different purposes but often end up in a mixed stream after their usage or lifetime. We want to recycle the materials as a society, but here is where the challenges start. You can imagine that such different plastic types cannot be recycled together. Combining a flexible and a rigid plastic type together would give something that is neither flexible, nor rigid. The streams need to be 1) separated, 2) characterized properly. A small fraction (~5% or more) of a different plastic type in a large batch can already make the batch unusable for (high-)end recycling. Currently, we have massive amounts of plastic waste and material and massive demand for recycled products but in the middle, the recycling industry is stuck at a knowledge/data gap. We want to recycle more and better but don't know what we are recycling.
Veridis solves this with its (patented) MADSCAN technology. A new thermal analysis method that is able to analyze industrial batches of plastics accurately and show exactly:
- the different plastic fractions in a batch (not possible today)
- The different subtypes of each type in a batch (not possible today)
- the percentage of each fraction (not possible today)
- the quality/degradation of those fractions (not possible today)
Compared to existing methods, Veridis can:
- analyse any plastic-type, colour or sample size
- analyse a material sample 100.000 times larger (from the 20-50mg industry standard to 500 grams per scan)
- give percentages and subtypes accurately instead of estimates
By giving continuous, exact and reliable insight repeatedly, Veridis enables a new quality control standard, process optimisation and transparency in the plastic recycling chain.
Subsequently, by reducing the material uncertainty that is inseparable from plastic recycling today, truly circular plastics at scale become possible.
The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity everywhere.
Clean water and sanitation
Affordable and clean energy
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 11
Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 12
Responsible consumption and production
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