Member - Smart M Power Co

Community System Operator for local Autonomous Clean Energy Mesh Systems for Climate Action, Resilience & Grid Stability

Type Company
Founded 2007
Company Size 20
Member Type
Founders Dudley Stewart
Headquarters 1 Church St, Cloncollog, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, Ireland
Social network
Smart M Power Co


Citizen Energy Communities engineered and quality assured by MPOWER Climate change and security of supply changes the electricity grid architecture from centralised to distributed production. However, connecting generators to distribution systems rather than transmission systems causes localised issues which the current passive distribution system cannot handle, such as peak power flows, power flow reversals and phase imbalances. This severely restricts the capacity and location of generators allowed in the distribution system. The Smart Grid is to remove these barriers through overlaying smart systems. Smart M Power’s (trading as M Power) vision is that the electricity smart grid will be built bottom-up by communities. Distributed renewable generation is increasingly being connected to distribution systems to which consumers are already connected. Distributed renewable generation is bringing production closer to communities. Communities will respond to this development and they will do so in a smart way, insisting that they must be the main beneficiary of intrusive renewable technologies in their communities. MPOWER’s mission is to maximise the benefit to the community of renewable energy sources embedded within the community. It does this primarily by removing restrictions when connecting generators, through automated 24/7 oneM2M Communication between participating community members (Citizen Energy Communities (EU RES Dir 2019) known as prosumers. This creates a smart community grid which is based on Internet of Things and cloud technology, and operated by MPOWER. Community and community spirit are central to the system, but part of the mix is also a healthy dose of friendly competition within the community. The smart community grid also enables further savings and revenue streams e.g. by offering ancillary services or demand response to the grid operator. It may offer other value-added services to the community such as a neighbourhood watch function. MPOWERs customers are communities. The main route to market is through partnerships with organisation who have close relations in communities and who are generally trusted by communities, e.g. local authorities and community development organisations. MPOWER will support, empower and quality assure the development of Citizen Energy Communities as Positive Energy Districts within Disturbance Neutral Community Grids through the advancement of the new Role of Community System Operator (Grid Edge Voluntary (Contracted) Regulation.
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Headquarters 1 Church St, Cloncollog, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, Ireland

SDG’s of application

The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity everywhere.
Clean water and sanitation
SDG 6 icon
Affordable and clean energy
SDG 7 icon
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 9 icon
SDG 11
Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 11 icon
SDG 12
Responsible consumption and production
SDG 12 icon

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