Member - RWI Synthetics

RWI calculates the impacts of complex system decision-making with #SyntheticIntelligence and #SyntheticEnvironments

Type Startup or self-employed
Founded 2014
Company Size 20
Member Type
Founders Myrna Bittner
Headquarters Sherwood Park, AB T8C 1B1, Canada
Social network
RWI Synthetics


Since 2014, RUNWITHIT has been pioneering the Single Synthetic Environment (SSE), or Synthetic Twins - live, geospatially accurate digital models of cities or regions, complete with underlying infrastructure (utilities, transportation, public services), as well as dynamic factors such as weather, natural and man-made disasters, and then, most importantly, the people, their hyper-localized activities, demographics and psychographics. Central elements of the value proposition include the ability to accelerate insight and innovation, augment engagement and decision support, and de-risk policy, pilots, and planning. All aspects of the city are interconnected and the emergent ripple effects and impacts are critical to understanding. RUNWITHIT's Synthetic Intelligence platform builds these SSE’s for decarbonization, electrification planning and de-risking, disaster and resilience exploration/optimization, mobility risk/impact/transition. We continue to expand the types of models in these environments in order to validate new technologies, incorporate new scenarios (such as COVID-19), and include more interconnected systems (such as energy and water). Our recent work has included a project with EPRI through the Incubatenergy Labs, in a demonstration project to furnish insight into COVID-19 and outages with SRP, we were able to not only furnish an SSE with accurate grid infrastructure, business and residents but also hyper-localize a variety of research and survey data and synthesize a de-identified but accurate population to quantify impacts and outcomes. We were able to measure the effects the population during the outage of different communication strategies, inform community resilience, discover vulnerable populations and intersectionality, locate back up generation, calculate GHG emissions from auxiliary power now and in the future, and characterize the amplification of stress due to COVID-19, and the changing trust relationship with the utility through trust and engagement. We are also part of the City Architecture of Tomorrow Challenge with the Toyota Mobility Foundation and Deloitte Futures, creating an SSE of Kuala Lumpur to calculate the impact of policy, infrastructure, inclusivity and accessibility of public transit to reduce the GHG emissions and contaminants of ICE vehicle congestion and build a greener, healthier, more economically mobile city, that connects human activity and psycho-social dynamics to intelligent, interconnected, quantified outcomes for decision-makers. For example, RWI modelled improvements in security and accessibility of public train infrastructure. RWI's models calculate the congestion and ridership changes and the related GHG emissions and contaminants, even GDP impact for each individual's daily trips across the city per day, taking into account weather conditions, mode of transportation (including micro-mobility), and even new considerations such as personal risk choices around COVID-19.
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Headquarters Sherwood Park, AB T8C 1B1, Canada

SDG’s of application

The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity everywhere.
Clean water and sanitation
SDG 6 icon
Affordable and clean energy
SDG 7 icon
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 9 icon
SDG 11
Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 11 icon
SDG 12
Responsible consumption and production
SDG 12 icon

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