Member - QUAMM AG

QUAMM AG has developed a patented technology offering a sustainable and profitable means of recovering value from waste

Type Startup or self-employed
Founded 2005
Company Size 8
Member Type
Founders Reinhard Lenzinger
Headquarters 9443 Widnau, Switzerland
Social network


QUAMM AG has now completed the development of the third generation of the «Catalytic Depolymerization» and has received the worldwide patent “WO 2018/127438 A1” for the resulting «HSCD 3.0» in July 2018. (High Speed Catalytic Depolymerization, Version 3.0) THE ISSUE is today’s ever-increasing pollution of the environment. Especially in poorer countries exists the urgency to deal with the ever-increasing problem of waste. The dangers of uncontrolled waste disposal for humans and the environment led to the decision to develop an efficient and economical technology which is capable of solving the increasing problems with waste in the oceans and on land. All efforts to improve conventional technologies fail due to the high cost. An efficient treatment of different waste fractions for recycling and recovery of hydrocarbons is the only viable alternative. The challenge was to find a solution which solves the problem while being profitable. THE SOLUTION is sustainable and profitable, a win-win situation for environment and industry. A technology which converts all hydrocarbons in waste and biomass into Diesel or Kerosene. The solution is so efficient that one ton of waste produces up to 500 liters of Diesel or Kerosene. THE TECHNOLOGY is a BTL (Biomass-To-Liquid) process of the third generation, i.e. a copy of nature. Biomass mixes with catalyst and thermo-oil in the pre-process at 200°C to form a pulp and to extract humidity. It then enters a reactor, is being heated to 280°C, and in a chemical/physical reaction transforms to Diesel or Kerosene. An optional post treatment raises the quality to the current norm EN590 or ASTM 7655. THE ECONOMY of the process is undisputed. The selling price is competitive despite the current market prices. The energy efficiency is 50-80%, depending on the input material. THE PRODUCT is a pure synthetic Diesel or Kerosene that can be stored indefinitely without additives. Blending with fossil products is possible, but not necessary. ADDED BENEFITS - Neutral CO2 balance, recycling of all valuables, residue only 5% of weight, “Class 2” non-toxic.
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Headquarters 9443 Widnau, Switzerland

SDG’s of application

The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity everywhere.
Clean water and sanitation
SDG 6 icon
Affordable and clean energy
SDG 7 icon
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 9 icon
SDG 11
Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 11 icon
SDG 12
Responsible consumption and production
SDG 12 icon

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