Member - MOLABO GmbH

The World's most powerful electric drive at 48V. No high voltage! Reliable, easy maintenance & plug & play installation.

Type Startup or self-employed
Founded 2016
Company Size 30
Member Type
Founders Adrian Patzak, Dr. Florian Bachheibl, Prof. Dr. Dieter Gerling
Headquarters 85521 Ottobrunn, Germany
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MOLABO produces the world's most powerful electric drive, ARIES i50, which operates at touch-safe voltages of 48 volts. MOLABO offers both the drive and a complete inboard system for boats. The 48-volt high-performance system sets new standards in terms of reliability, ease of maintenance and plug & play installation, as the drive can be installed quickly and easily without high-voltage safety measures. Safe to touch due to ISCAD technology MOLABO‘s 48-volt concept differs from conventional electric drives in many ways. As a rule, all powerful electric drive systems are operated with battery voltages of up to 800 volts in order to be in no way inferior to combustion engines in terms of acceleration and comfort. With the ARIES 50 electric drive developed by MOLABO, high performance is now achieved for the fi rst time even at safe-to-touch voltages of 48 volts. The core of the innovative technology is the new stator of the electric motor. Instead of complicated windings, simple rods are used, which form a kind of cage. The rod-based statorcage design makes ARIES 50 more robust and fail-safe than conventional electric drives. ISCAD technology is a highly parallel system from the battery to the motor. Energy currents are divided among many phases by the stator-cage design, which is what makes the high traction performance at 48 volts possible in the fi rst place. ARIES 50 combines motor and controller in one unit. This compact solution is easy and - thanks to the MOLAConnect Box - quick to install, requires no complicated wiring, reduces and saves installation space. Advantages of the low-voltage system The voltage of 48 volts in the low-voltage system is so low that the system can in principle be touched without risk (safe-to-touch technology). This greatly facilitates integration and maintenance. With the high-voltage system, such touching is life-threatening without appropriate safety precautions and training. Due to the low induced voltage, ARIES 50 uses low-voltage semiconductors that work much more effi ciently than high-voltage components, especially in partial-load operation. The battery is also conserved and operation is much more economical. ISCAD technology stands for simpler and more powerful electric drives and also offers emerging countries with lower technical standards the opportunity to use electromobility effi ciently. About MOLABO The groundbreaking idea for this electric motor originated at the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Munich, specifi cally at Professor Dieter Gerling‘s Chair of Electrical Drive Technology and Actuators. There, Adrian Patzak, Florian Bachheibl and Prof. Dieter Gerling designed and built two prototypes. After successfully demonstrating the functionality of the innovative technology, the three founded MOLABO GmbH in 2016. Today, their staff includes a highly qualified 40-person team united by a common goal: to enable sustainable e-mobility worldwide. For its groundbreaking innovations, MOLABO has won numerous awards, including the Electric & Hybrid Marine Award „New Propulsion Technology of the Year 2023“, the „German Mobility Award 2018“ from the German Federal Ministry of Transport and the „Create the Future Design Award 2018“ from the renowned Tech Briefs.
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Headquarters 85521 Ottobrunn, Germany

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