Member - Living Light

Living Light is a lamp, which harvests its energy through the photosynthetic processes of a plant.

Type Non-profit project
Founded 2016
Company Size 8
Member Type
Founders Ermi van Oers
Headquarters 3029 BR Rotterdam, Netherlands
Social network
Living Light


The energy crisis symbolizes a need for urgent replacement systems. We create a world where plants become part of our energy system. A cross-pollination of nature, science & design, we present you: the Living Light. Living Light is an atmospheric lamp which harvests its energy from the plant living next to the lamp itself. The light of the lamp is produced by 'plant microbial fuel cell technology ': energy generated by bacteria in the soil which release electrons while breaking down organic compounds of the plant. Softly stroking the leafs transforms this ordinary plant into a Living Light. The duration of light depends on the wellbeing of the plant: the better you take care of the plant, the more energy you will receive from the plant. Hereby Living Light will remind us once again that if we take good care of nature, nature will provide us with everything we need. This state of mutual dependence is a realisation humans lost over time, a realisation which we need to get back in time.
Headquarters 3029 BR Rotterdam, Netherlands

SDG’s of application

The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity everywhere.
Clean water and sanitation
SDG 6 icon
Affordable and clean energy
SDG 7 icon
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 9 icon
SDG 11
Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 11 icon
SDG 12
Responsible consumption and production
SDG 12 icon

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