itk is a knowledge integrator committed to developing easyto- use, efficient and useful decision-making tools that connect scientific research with production agriculture and allied industries to drive value to farmers and all players of the food system value chain. Concretely, itk develops process driven AI models applied to crop and animal production. Those models are imbedded in web applications and target 1) growers/ breeders and their consultants to help them make tactical and strategic decisions on their daily practices in order to maximize their return on investment while gaining time, 2) insurances to predict yield volatility and help them anticipate compensations and 3) food processing companies to secure their supplies and 4) traders to predict yield volatility and help them manage their risk.
SDG’s of application
Efficient Solutions
The Solar Impulse Efficient Solution label seeks to bridge the gap between ecology and economy, bringing together protection of the environment and financial viability to show that these solutions are not expensive fixes to problems, but rather opportunities for clean economic growth.
The information set out above, is solely for the purposes of information and the Solar Impulse Foundation does not provide any guarantee as to its authenticity, completeness or accuracy. To validate the Membership to the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions, the Solar Impulse Foundation only verifies that each entity is registered and has signed our principles and values stated in the following World Alliance for Efficient Solutions charter. For those Members who are also solution providers, this information does not constitute investment advice or a recommendation to buy into, transact or to enter into any agreement with any of the parties or persons mentioned above. Potential investors or interested parties are solely responsible for their investment or business decisions and for performing any due diligence required by the circumstances.