Offers a solution for farmers dealing with salinized groundwater problems or who wish to use sea water to provide freshwater to their fields.
Our product enables farmers who are affected by droughts and other climate change impacts to maintain production at full level. It can be used for most types of cash crops and sylviculture.
The technology we use converts seawater or salinized groundwater into foggy drizzle-freshwater that is spread over a large area and thereby directly supplies plants with a constant flow of cool moisture. The installation can be turned on and off as needed to meet the water needs of various crops.
The cooling effect will lead to less water loss due to evaporation and reduce stress for the plants. Over a period of time our product will restock groundwater levels and thereby prevent further seawater intrusion into coastal freshwater aquifers.
Our product is a highly cost-efficient alternative to desalination plants and enables farmers to become independent of outside freshwater supplies.
To find out how our technology can enable you to enter the next stage in agricultural irrigation contacts us for an individual assessment of your needs.
SDG’s of application
Efficient Solutions
The Solar Impulse Efficient Solution label seeks to bridge the gap between ecology and economy, bringing together protection of the environment and financial viability to show that these solutions are not expensive fixes to problems, but rather opportunities for clean economic growth.
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