An R&D company established to develop sustainable green industrial raw materials

Type Company
Founded 2019
Company Size 4
Member Type
Founders Bülent Gürakın
Headquarters Mountcastle Dr N, Edinburgh EH8 7SL, UK
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OUR COMPANY'S MOTTO: SUSTAINABLE AND 100% ECOLOGICAL CONSTRUCTION, INSULATION AND INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS OF THE FUTURE We are a young but very successful R&D company that was established to ensure that clay, which we see as a sustainable, construction and industrial raw material for thousands of years, is used as a "GREEN" raw material in the industry and to eliminate the need for baking. Our company believes that the idea that "every natural solution is the best" needs a new interpretation in today's conditions. Because: Science has developed geometrically, especially in the last few decades, and opens new windows to humanity in every field. Therefore, we think that there may be "much better solutions" in the content of traditional natural solutions that we know as the "best solution" and abandon. Based on this idea, we focused on creating “new solutions” that meet today's expectations from "natural solutions". Based on our past experiences, we transformed clay, which is an ancient construction material, into “an excellent insulation material from an ordinary building material” by adding porosity, lightness and strength. The purpose here is; is to reach sustainable solutions that can meet the expectations of the rapidly increasing world population. It is unacceptable that sustainable solutions are expensive, hard-to-reach solutions. Although these types of solutions, which are tried to be applied with names such as "passive house" and "green house" today, can be applied on a micro scale, they are far from meeting the needs of very large masses. With our R&D studies, our company has focused on the potential of meeting the needs of large masses as “economically, ecologically and sustainable”. People have met their need for shelter by using natural materials for thousands of years. With the increase in population, increasing demand and changing expectations, natural materials have been moved away, and materials with high carbon footprints have replaced natural materials. Human history is the greatest natural laboratory for everything humans consume. The results have been achieved over thousands of years. These ancient results clearly show that; “Every step away from natural solutions turns into a step that brings the world closer to disaster”. The fact that such choices are not sustainable is evident from the destruction they cause on nature and environmental disasters. Our project aims to offer sustainable natural construction materials to the service of humanity with new and functional forms by using the legacy of humanity and scientific technologies. Why clay and natural pozzolans are a sustainable industrial raw material The hard earth's crust moves over the semi-liquid magma. As these huge moving plates compress each other, some parts of them rise. Wind, rain, snow, glaciers, cold and hot rising erode these parts. Streams carry these eroded materials and deposit them in pit areas. This formation is called “sedimentation”. The parts of this incredible mixture that go through complex natural processes and fit the definition of clay are what we call ”clay”. Some sediments show other chemical and physical properties. Some of these sediments are also called “natural pozzolans”. Natural pozzolans and Clay are therefore very diverse and versatile… Numerous physical and chemical events that have been going on for millions of years in nature cause new pozzolan and clay formations. This cycle is one that will continue as long as the world exists. In this way, nature has “gifted” people with constantly renewed, non-polluting, sustainable industrial raw materials. Elimination of the firing process by modifying the clay with various natural pozzolans and showing the ceramic properties of the new material that hardens under atmospheric conditions. Pure clay is the least common type of clay in nature. It has special uses. It has high economic value. Clay types that are common in the world and found almost everywhere are generally mixed with other minerals and have low economic value with various properties. This type of clay was targeted in our research. The fact that our past knowledge has shaped our R&D studies and the elimination of the firing process by mixing and modifying this type of clay with natural pozzolans gives clay new, diverse and revolutionary capabilities and uses. In fact, clay, which is a very talented raw material that has been used for thousands of years and meets the sustainability criteria, has very quickly left its place to synthetic origin, practical use raw materials with the industrial revolution. One of the most important reasons for this is the cooking process, which reaches 1000 degrees Celsius. The cooking process involves the use of high-cost energy, oven and cooking equipment, and a three-stage production process. The elimination of the grinding process by modifying the clay with natural pozzolans eliminates the need for energy, oven and baking equipment, and reduces the three-stage production steps to one. In addition, the porous structure that we added to the clay as a result of our R&D studies also enables the clay to be used as an insulation material. All these revolutionary innovations and the fact that clay is a very suitable raw material for sustainability criteria make it "the sustainable construction, insulation and industrial raw material of the future". When we look at our work on this subject, it can be easily said that we have taken a very important distance and that we will soon give a new identity to the material we have developed. When our invention is evaluated in terms of environment and ecology; It can already be foreseen that its widespread use will contribute to reducing carbon emissions on a very large scale, and that it will turn into a low-carbon footprint material with its new features, thus becoming widespread and preferred. Because we believe that there is no alternative raw material that can meet the sustainability criteria in nature as much as the material we develop. We think that if we elaborate on the subject a little more, what is explained above will be more understandable. THE MAIN PROBLEM THAT WE FOCUS ON SOLUTION Exceptional energy loss caused by uninsulated buildings Today, 90% of the buildings in the world are uninsulated and built from standard, poor quality materials. 1/3 of the energy produced in the world is used for heating and cooling buildings. Energy production alone is responsible for 40% of the world's carbon emissions. A standard insulated structure is compared to a non-insulated structure; It consumes 10 times less energy in heating and cooling. A perfectly insulated structure can be heated and cooled with 15 times less energy. According to these figures, solving the insulation problem of buildings has the potential to reduce total energy consumption by 25%. This means a 10% reduction in carbon emissions in total. While the annual energy requirement for heating and cooling a building is 30-60 kWh/m2 in Germany, where the building standards are based on scientific foundations, it is 250-350 kWh/m2 in Turkey, a developing country where the standards are not fully implemented. Germany is much colder in terms of climate and its gross national product is 9 times higher than Turkey. The picture is much worse in underdeveloped or underdeveloped countries. This is the picture around the world, except for a handful of developed countries. This is a huge paradox. Unhealthy and environmentally friendly synthetic insulation materials The problems created by these materials last for decades in the buildings they are used, and for centuries in nature after they become waste. The sustainable nature-friendly materials we have developed are an excellent alternative in this regard. New generation construction materials focused on problem solving and bearing these characteristics, and new techniques to use these materials, as an alternative to the classical construction materials that are insufficient in problem solving and cause problems. The construction industry does not leave its carbon footprint only while building the building. After leaving the building to the user, it continues to leave this carbon footprint throughout the life of the building, depending on the material and technique used. This totals to incredible numbers. Ensuring that the sustainable main material we have developed is used as a problem solver in other industries as well. As a result: The main target we focus on; We can summarize it as “CONTRIBUTING TO THE SOLUTION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS THAT THE WORLD IS FACING BY DEVELOPING NEW, SUSTAINABLE AND ECO-FRIENDLY INDUSTRIAL RAW MATERIALS AND TECHNIQUES TO USE THESE RAW MATERIALS”. THE RESULT WE WANT TO ACHIEVE Environmentally friendly new materials and new techniques using these materials Although the problem seems huge and unsolvable, the root of the problem in the construction industry is hidden in solving the problem from the very beginning, namely while the building is being built. Here, with the new materials and construction techniques we have developed, “extremely economical, healthy, comfortable buildings that are fully insulated, require very little energy for heating and cooling and can be easily accessed by low-income groups will be possible.” At the same time, the materials we have developed can be used as problem solvers in other industries.
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Headquarters Mountcastle Dr N, Edinburgh EH8 7SL, UK

SDG’s of application

The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity everywhere.
Clean water and sanitation
SDG 6 icon
Affordable and clean energy
SDG 7 icon
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 9 icon
SDG 11
Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 11 icon
SDG 12
Responsible consumption and production
SDG 12 icon

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