Member - Coop MGV

The Cooperative of Solidarity of the High speed Monorail.

Type Company
Founded 2013
Company Size 12
Member Type
Founders Patrick Leclaire
Headquarters Québec, QC G1T 1H2, Canada
Social network
Coop MGV


To contribute to the development of the best mean of interurban transportation there is. Founded in 2013, the Coop MGV’s goal is to develop the technology for a high-speed monorail in order to contribute to a cleaner environment while creating economic benefits for its members. The cooperative is made up of operations and support members and venture organizations. Its values are guided by commitment, innovation, perenniality, integrity and solidarity. This transportation mode consists of a high-speed suspended monorail. The concept envisions the use of autonomous shuttles, powered by in-wheel motors, able to carry 70 passengers or 10 tons of goods at a speed of 250 km/h. The infrastructure embodies a rail suspended at an average height of 10 meters and supported by light pylons. This high-speed monorail system runs entirely on electricity. The in-wheel motor technology allows for a simplified operation and reduces the weight of the shuttles considerably, consequently that of the bearing structure and rails. This partly explains the construction cost cutting efficiency: The aerial circulation of the shuttles does not necessitate the building of bridges or overpasses to cross rivers or to avoid obstacles. Thus, the construction of the Monorail à Grande Vitesse (MGV or High-Speed Monorail) is 3 to 4 time cheaper than that of a high-speed train. The design of the in-wheel motor, light and powerful, combined with the overhead rail system allows the shuttles to travel as quickly as a TGV; an operational speed of 250 km/h is considered. The MGV offers the same passenger capacity as that of a TGV while providing more flexibility for interurban and regional applications. The MGV may go up or down slopes and can also quickly accelerate and stop, providing an edge that other railway systems may not. Ecological and flexible, it can be erected just about anywhere with a minimal footprint. Contrary to a TGV or a tram which requires costly infrastructures, the MGV will be able able to reach any downtown destinations using its above ground installation. The MGV offers a most competitive alternative to the TGV, traditional railways, cars, buses and even planes; for distances of more or less 800 km, the MGV requires less time than air travel taking into account airport location, check-in, security check, etc. As for terrestrial means of transportation, the MGV will travel the same distance two to three times faster than cars or buses. The quick acceleration and braking advantages of the shuttles enables rapid stops between close intermediate stations which is not possible for the TGV. The MGV’s capacity to service an interurban link at high speeds may be adapted to provide quick transportation in an urban environment. Its distinctive characteristics allows the MGV to tap into markets, such as suburbs and airports, where public transport dispenses limited services. As such, the development of the MGV will produce a structuring effect and will have a positive social and economical impact on local communities. It will also generate numerous opportunities for organizations and communities. *fr(Monorail a Grande Vitesse, MGV)
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Headquarters Québec, QC G1T 1H2, Canada

SDG’s of application

The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity everywhere.
Clean water and sanitation
SDG 6 icon
Affordable and clean energy
SDG 7 icon
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 9 icon
SDG 11
Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 11 icon
SDG 12
Responsible consumption and production
SDG 12 icon

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