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shayofae : Share Your Farming Experience Mobile application for sharing and comparing agricultural practices

Type Startup or self-employed
Founded 2018
Company Size 1
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Vision Farmers enrich their skills through training, information and advice disseminated by the technical services of agricultural development organizations and largely through their experience. Exchanges with other farmers contribute to this accumulation of experience from the field. Furthermore, it is important to keep in mind that agriculture is under pressure from civil society and climate change in particular. The evolution of agriculture is oriented towards a more systemic vision of agricultural actions, which makes generic advice less effective. Understanding the biological phenomena in action is essential for farmers in order to be able to act on their cropping systems with full knowledge of the facts and with the right levers. Expertise therefore comes more and more from the experience of farmers who themselves carry out the experiments necessary for the implementation of the agricultural practices they have chosen. There is therefore a huge resource of knowledge that is produced by farmers on very different cropping systems. In this context, the rapid evolution of agriculture lies in the ability to share this knowledge simply and quickly and in a very horizontal way, which is not currently the case. Promise ShaYoFae offers, via a mobile application on smartphone, to share technical information on cultural operations, on crops and to be able to compare these operations and observations. This comparison is a means of evaluating its actions and results. It is a way to visualize what it is possible to do to adapt and improve its practices. This makes it possible to learn about the diversity of agricultural practices and their results. It is a way to learn from the experience of others and thus build their decision-making autonomy. It is a means of supporting and encouraging the evolution of agriculture for the self-sufficiency of the populations, for a reduced impact on the environment, for motivating incomes for farmers, to make visible and transparent the practices agricultural. A planetary challenge Agriculture around the world is also subject to pressure from local civil societies and must act just as much to mitigate the effects of climate change and adapt to it. ShaYoFae proposes to help agriculture evolve by relying both on digital technologies but also and strongly on the fact that agriculture is carried out by farmers. The intelligence of men and women, in this case farmers, must not be forgotten in the face of the intelligence of machines, in this case artificial but resulting from the expertise of farmers. These artificial intelligence technologies, the use of satellite or drone imagery, chemical or biological information sensors or robotics are identified as being able to help agriculture progress. Prospective studies often show that this concerns only a very small proportion of farmers and agricultural workers. The challenge of supporting and strengthening the acquisition of skills by farmers is all the more a priority. ShaYofae is the mobile application that enriches the knowledge and know-how of farmers by sharing and comparing agricultural practices via digital tools and more precisely via their smartphone. Agriculture has progressed for decades with this idea of ​​spreading knowledge in a very vertical top-down and somewhat horizontal diffusion pattern. Groups of farmers led by technicians are still in action and this principle is often deployed in countries where agriculture is developing. Digital tools make it possible to change this operation to the benefit of the diversity of cropping systems and techniques, by addressing all farmers and allowing more numerous and diversified interactions. Participating in the development of agriculture in the world is a means of supporting agricultural activity in more developed countries and makes it possible to participate in the evolution of the production methods of agricultural raw materials which are exchanged or which enter into the processes agri-food processing. The impacts are direct on the ability of populations to feed themselves and to participate in the trade of agricultural products. Raising farmers' awareness of virtuous agricultural practices for carbon storage also constitutes a significant indirect impact. It is also possible to imagine that these actions will have a positive impact on the slowing down of migratory movements in connection with these factors. Developing the use of ShaYoFae enables commitment to social impacts like those defined in the UN Sustainable Development Goals. ShaYoFae contributes to Goals 12: Establish sustainable consumption and production patterns and 13: Address climate change more directly.
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SDG’s of application

The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity everywhere.
Clean water and sanitation
SDG 6 icon
Affordable and clean energy
SDG 7 icon
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 9 icon
SDG 11
Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 11 icon
SDG 12
Responsible consumption and production
SDG 12 icon

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