Member - Autocars BERTOLAMI

First French coach company to operate a captive fleet using 100% french renewable natural fuel coming from french rapeseed reducing by at least 60% the greenhouse gas emissions relative to the fossil diesel it replaces.

Type Company
Founded 1950
Company Size 115
Member Type
Founders Charles BERTOLAMI
Headquarters 26260 Chavannes, France
Social network


The objective set by the Climate Plan to end the use of diesel fuel for road transport by 2040 requires a gradual and effective decarbonation path. Our first step has been the selection of B100 as the substitute to the fossil fuel. Compatible with most of diesel engine, B100 is the only alternative to fossil fuels capable of offering an autonomy equivalent to that of the diesel at affordable price. B100 is a fuel that has been defined and standardized at the European level (product framed by the EN 14214 standard, and also at the French level since 2018 FR-B100). Produced 100% from French rapeseed, renewable and traced, our B100 provider offer a new, renewable and traceable energy that totally and easily replaces diesel fuel. Intended for professional and public transport, it is compatible with a wide range of diesel engines. It is the only renewable solution available today with a range equivalent to that of diesel. From the farmer's field to the wheel, French B100 produce 3.7 times more energy than it requires to be produced. Over the entire product lifecycle, French B100 can reduce by at least 60% the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions relative to the fossil diesel it replaces. These emissions being essentially of agricultural origin, the GHG balance of French B100 will still be improved by the adoption of new cultivation practices. The reduction of the GHG balance is attested by a sustainability certificate for each batch supplied, transmitted to the customer. French B100 is an effective solution to reduce the effects of transport on air quality. Due to its oxygen content, French B100 allows to reduce fine and ultrafine particle emissions by up to 80%. This score varies in depending on the more or less recent character of the engines. For all those reasons, we decided at Autocars BERTOLAMI to switch a good part of our captive coach fleet to French B100.
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Headquarters 26260 Chavannes, France

SDG’s of application

The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity everywhere.
Clean water and sanitation
SDG 6 icon
Affordable and clean energy
SDG 7 icon
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 9 icon
SDG 11
Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 11 icon
SDG 12
Responsible consumption and production
SDG 12 icon

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