Member - Aquapulse Türkiye

Aquapulse™ Is a Natural, non-chemical water filtration and animal & plant growth enhancement system. Aquapulse™ = Increased growth rate, reduced fish mortality, and ammonia toxicity. Naturally, with no additives! In RAS and open water systems.

Type Startup or self-employed
Founded 2019
Company Size 7
Member Type
Founders Stephen R Gibb
Headquarters Konacık, 48480 Bodrum/Muğla, Turkey
Social network
Aquapulse Türkiye


Plants and Animals absorb food and nutrients more efficiently when treated by Aquapulse™ Water! Which Translates into 50%> increased Fish growth & >50% reduction in fish feed. Aquapulse has been tested and evaluated by the following companies and academic institutes, including Royal Agricultural University, Harper Adams University, And South East water Science, etc… For which we extend our thanks… Aquapulse makes changes to water at a molecular level. This enables fish to absorb food and nutrients more efficiently! Created, researched, and manufactured in the UK. Aquapulse™ is working with Companies in the UK and is now looking for partners in the Agri sector in Turkey and Asia. Aquapulse™ Is a Natural, non-chemical water filtration and animal growth enhancement system. After going through a natural treatment process (no chemicals are involved in the manufacturing process), each of these natural ingredients makes small changes to the physical make-up of water at the molecular level. • Anti-bacterial (Non-chemical) properties proven to eliminate or reduce golden staphylococcus and Coli bacillus. • Enhances Far Infrared (FIR) absorption which stimulates the natural development of grown produce. • Direct contribution to carbon emission reduction. • It Needs No energy/electricity to function Please see a more detailed copy via our Dropbox account. The Aquapulse units are 200mm x 32mm in diameter and weigh 200gm. Each Aquapulse unit is guaranteed for two years and will affect a 25,000-liter tank of continuous “flowing” water over that 2 year period. Aquapulse™ delivers sustainability and water efficiency benefits in, fish farming, agriculture, grown produce, hydroponics, water storage, and animal husbandry.
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Headquarters Konacık, 48480 Bodrum/Muğla, Turkey

SDG’s of application

The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity everywhere.
Clean water and sanitation
SDG 6 icon
Affordable and clean energy
SDG 7 icon
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 9 icon
SDG 11
Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 11 icon
SDG 12
Responsible consumption and production
SDG 12 icon

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