Amoéba is developing a new natural fungicidal active substance for plant protection, a lysate of a protozoan.
TypeStartup or self-employed
Company Size29
Member Type
FoundersMr. Fabrice PLASSON
Headquarters69680 Chassieu, France
Social network
In order to guarantee the yield and quality of the crop, it is essential to protect the crop against diseases. For decades, chemical fungicides have been used intensively and almost exclusively. While their effectiveness is undeniable, their overuse can lead to associated risks (appearance of resistant strains, impact on the environment, residues in agricultural production, impact on human health, etc.).
As in most areas, Europe is increasingly committed to a sustainable approach to the management and reduction of plant protection products. In particular, the European Commission has set a binding target to reduce the amount of chemical pesticides used in the EU by 50% by 2030.
Biocontrol products are one of the tools to reduce the use of chemical pesticides. Biocontrol products are agents and products that use natural mechanisms for integrated pest management. They include macro-organisms and plant protection products composed of micro-organisms, chemical mediators such as pheromones and kairomones and natural substances of plant, animal or mineral origin.
An innovative active substance, the lysate of a protozoan (see photo): We have discovered that the mechanically lysed amoeba Willaertia magna C2c Maky has strong fungicidal properties.
Several plant diseases are targeted: Firstly on oomycetes (fungus-like micro-organisms responsible for downy mildew) and secondly on phytopathogenic fungi such as rusts, powdery mildew, etc. This has been demonstrated in laboratory tests and, since 2019, has been verified in field trials.
This active substance has a dual mode of action: it stimulates the plant's defences (indirect effect on diseases), and also inhibits the germination of the pathogen's spores (direct effect on the pathogen). Numerous trials have shown that the efficacy in the field is remarkable, often far superior to that of biocontrol products available on the market. Finally, the active substance has a broad spectrum against multiple pathogens of major economic importance (mildew, rust, etc.) on many crops (vine, potato, vegetables, cereals, etc.).
Trials conducted since 2019 have shown efficiencies of the order of :
- 50 to 80% on downy mildew on grapevines even in situations of high disease pressure (and with particularly remarkable efficacy on bunches), downy mildew on potatoes and tomatoes and downy mildew on vegetable crops (lettuce, cucurbits, etc.).
- Efficacy on yellow and brown rust in wheat, septoria in wheat
This level of efficacy, unprecedented for a natural biocontrol product, already allows the product to be used alone at certain times and on certain crops, or in combination (mixed or alternating) with conventional fungicides used at very low doses in other cases. This type of product is eagerly awaited on field crops (wheat, soya, etc.) where the supply of biofungicides is currently very limited.
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Clean water and sanitation
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SDG 11
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SDG 12
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