Member - akaryon GmbH

Our specialty is environmental informatics. We develop software with which you can easily manage sustainability: For example, energy transition calculator, Co2 footprint calculator, CSR management and sustainability reporting tools. With these tools you can, for example, measure the impact of your company, calculate the greenhouse gas emissions of products and services or plan the switch to sustainable energy sources in your community, region or city.

Type Company
Founded 1998
Company Size 12
Member Type
Founders DI Petra Busswald & DI Dr. Franz Niederl
Headquarters 8665, Autriche
Social network


akaryon is an IT company - web tools since 1999 We founded our company at a time when the Internet was still quite young. We wanted to seize the moment and be among the first to exploit or explore the potential: networking and disseminating ideas in a new way. Since then we have been designing and developing websites, apps and digital tools for different target groups. Since then also with an eye on the environment. This is the next one: akaryon is an environmental specialist - research for sustainability We are not only an IT company, but also a research-based company: We conduct applied sustainability research. Again and again we develop products and services together with scientists that help to act in an environmentally friendly manner. We also carry out environmental education projects for different target groups. Our focus areas: Strategies for the development of sustainable energy supply systems in habitats from the village to the big city and the analysis of the impact of companies, organizations or even individuals on the environment. We use one thing very centrally: our IT competence, our environmental IT knowledge. We translate "concepts for world saving" into formulas & codes. What we always have in mind: software that helps to make good things even better quickly and easily, easier to manage data and easier to calculate indicators. This is how software solutions such as the environmental data tool or the REsys energy transition computer come about. Or our participation in the Urban Oasis project . Or or … akaryon is a consulting company - we support in the field of project funding We have learned over the years what is important when handling and financing successful projects. We pass on the knowledge and support project ideas in all possible subject areas and with various locations. We are there for SMEs, but also larger companies, NGOs and NPOs, platforms and institutions serving the public or even private individuals - exciting ideas can come from anywhere.
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Headquarters 8665, Autriche

SDG’s of application

The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity everywhere.
Clean water and sanitation
SDG 6 icon
Affordable and clean energy
SDG 7 icon
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 9 icon
SDG 11
Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 11 icon
SDG 12
Responsible consumption and production
SDG 12 icon

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