The SunAir Fountain® captures humidity in the air at night and condenses it during the day to produce fresh water.
TypeStartup or self-employed
Company Size9
Member Type
Headquarters01000 Saint-Denis-lès-Bourg, France
Social network
1. Problems:
A. UN: 2.3Bn people do not have access to drinking water;
B. World Bank: 2.2Bn people with access to tap water, don't drink it, buying expensive plastic bottled water, which impacts the environment.
2. Our Solution:
The SunAir Fountain® looks like a solar panel, but is a water panel, which:-
-Captures humidity in the air at night;
-Condenses it during the day thanks to solar heat;
-Produces quality fresh water in full autonomy.
3. Competition:
-In general, the solutions currently proposed require the presence of local non-potable water resource, that must be treated, or the transport of imported water. The SunAir Fountain enables local production in complete autonomy, without transport or plastic packaging.
-Competition in our domain (Air Water Generators, by Adsorption) is very limited and not offering a "low tech", robust, easy to install and maintain panel.
-USP: The SunAir Fountain is the best solution to produce fresh water at home or on site.
4. Market size:
A. Total Available Market (TAM):
People in the regions where humidity and sun are abundant are 3.5Bn:
- 1.5 Bn have no access to fresh water;
- 2 Bn have access to tap water, but don't like drinking it, thus buying plastic bottles instead.
Note: a « Family » is considered to be on average 7 people.
B. Segmented Available Market:
- 25% of people have space to install panels;
- 875 Mn people = 125Mn families.
C. Share of Market (SOM):
- 1% of families buy the SAF over 10 years = 1.25Mn families
- Each family buys on average 9 panels
-Total is 11.5 Mn panels/SunAir Fountains sold (over 10 years).
5. MVP built, trials with 5 different clients in 4 countries, order book with 220 units, distribution contracts signed off (although we are supposed to start biz. dev. in Q2 2023).
6. Impact:
A. Environmental impact on oil, coal and gas/CO2:
1. Oil: 382 Mn liters or 382 000 Tons of oil saved.
2. Coal: 360 Mn Kg or 360 000 Tons of coal saved.
3. Gas: 183 bio liters of gas x 0,042 m3 = 7,7 Bio m3 of gas saved. II.
B. Impact on ground water:
- 12.6 Bio liters ground water saved (12.6 Mn Tons), which is much needed for agriculture.
C. Sanitary and Social impact:
1. Improving water quality itself.
2. Reducing the social and health consequences resulting from plastic waste, oil consumption/CO2 and pollution.
3. Improving the situation for many families living in areas affected by water scarcity.
The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity everywhere.
Clean water and sanitation
Affordable and clean energy
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 11
Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 12
Responsible consumption and production
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