After you joined the webinar on the Label benefits, eligibility criteria and evaluation process, you can join a second webinar, where our team will present tips to apply for the Label by conducting an interactive session directly on the Label Application online platform.
Join our webinar on 2022, August 23rd - 3 pm CET
You wish to know what the Solution Submission Form looks like ?
You would like to better understand how to convince experts that your Solution is Feasible, has a positive Environmental Impact and is Profitable ?
You want to know how to be faster to fill out your application ?
Join the Solar Impulse Foundation team in this 1-hour webinar to get all the info you need before starting your application to the Efficient Solutions Label.
1. Show your interest by completing this form.
2. Receive useful documentation and the connection information to our Zoom webinar.
3. Join our next webinar.