Le Conseil économique, social et environnemental régional (CESER) est la 2ème institution régionale. C’est l’assemblée consultative de la Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Par ses avis et contributions, il concourt à l’administration de la Région.
CESER is a body at the heart of the territories, in touch with those who make them live. It is an institution rooted in reality, in direct contact with its partners, close to the daily problems of its fellow citizens. On the strength of this diversity, the body's role is to issue opinions (referrals) and contributions (self-referrals), and to intervene in numerous fields such as employment, innovation, energy transition, training, research, sport, finance, or any other theme on which it feels it is appropriate to give an opinion.
The Solar Impulse Foundation will therefore be auditioned by the 190 representatives of the CESER AURA on its activities and the actions carried out to promote the ecological transition of the territories.