Our current way of operating is both unsustainable and irrational.
More than two thirds of the energy produced ends up being wasted through inefficient production and consumption processes. Why? Because our world is still using outdated infrastructure and systems that were invented 120 years ago at the beginning of the oil era: thermal engines, badly insulated buildings, inefficient heating and cooling, without even mentioning the obsolete industrial processes and dirty energy sources.
This is not only detrimental to the environment, it is also tremendously expensive: 4,6 trillion dollars are lost every year!
By harnessing the full potential of existing technical solutions and optimising the way we use resources, we can drastically reduce emissions while driving economic and social welfare.
This publication showcases real-life energy efficiency stories - a year after the “Double Down, Triple Up” COP28 pledge- , and together with the Global Renewables Alliance, we want to show that change is underway; that efficiency and renewables are a credible and urgent path forward.
Efficiency is in the DNA of the Solar Impulse Foundation. Flying around the world in a solar-powered airplane would not have been possible without renewable energy, obviously. But efficiency was also at the heart of the project, to ensure we could cope with the amount of energy given by the sun. Since the flight, through the Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label, we dedicate our efforts to identifying, labelling and promoting all the solutions that can take the world towards more efficiency.
Every sector, from energy to transportation, holds immense untapped potential for efficiency improvements, offering the most immediate and impactful opportunities for change. Now is the time for a collective push to prioritise smarter energy use, minimise waste, and accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy.
Renewables and efficiency: two sides of the same coin, leading us to a more sustainable world and a more profitable economy!
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President of the Solar Impulse Foundation