We develop innovative CITIES OF ECOLOGICAL CIVILIZATION - BAMBOO ECOLOGICAL CITIES with innovative Bamboo Composite Affordable Eco-Homes Construction Technologies using no Cement; no Timber, no Sand and no PVC Pipes to solve global housing deficit problem by reducing the current housing construction cost by about 50%; our technologies have been purposely developed to mitigate and adapt/build resilience to climate change and housing deficit.

Type Startup or self-employed
Founded 2019
Company Size 6
Member Type
Founders Samuel Worwui
Headquarters Fiapre, Catholic University Avenue, Sunyani, Ghana
Social network


We are developing a solution to solving housing deficit, unemployment, reducing and building resilience to Climate Change by constructing new Bamboo Composite Affordable eco-homes in new ecological communities. To avoid most of the mistakes that was done in building our existing communities that has brought us to where we are today – Climate Change; instead of the existing communities improving the environment, social and economic lives of the people living in them, they are rather responsible for around 70% of the total greenhouse gas emissions globally. We are developing an innovative Bamboo Composite Affordable Eco-Home using Bamboo, Lime, Laterite, Biochar, pozzolanic materials etc. to construct the first commercial, social and natural carbon removal eco-homes on the market today; without using Cement, Timber, Sand, Metallic Roofing Sheets and PVC Pipes. An Affordable Eco-Home at 40% less cost that can store a minimum of 54 tonnes of CO2 like Forest. This innovation allows us to, naturally and physically, remove any past, present and future CO2 emissions. So instead of these homes contributing to Climate Change like the conventional buildings, our innovative Bamboo Composite Affordable Eco-Home will rather act as Forest, absorbing CO2. And because of the Lime and Biochar content; indoor air quality and humidity is greatly improved, leading to high energy efficiency and good health for the occupants. Bamboo is stronger than steel, carries more load than concrete and is earthquake resistant. Lime absorbs during drying about 60% of the CO2 it emits during processing Limestone into Lime product. However, whatever the limitations of alternative building materials such as bamboo, Lime, Laterite, Biochar and pozzolana, etc. are, they can’t be worse than the dangers posed by continuing with the status quo of environmentally damaging construction. Our new Bamboo ecological communities will be powered totally with efficient renewable energy and sustainable water systems and the cities’ roads and drains will be constructed with Laterite, Lime, Biochar modified Asphalt. The Biochar to be used will be a by-product from solid and organic waste after it has been used to generate renewable electricity and thermal energy.The General Layout of the Bamboo Ecological Communities will be based on Urban Farming - Permaculture principle and natural food forest ecosystem. The typical layout of every plot within the "Bamboo Ecological Communities" will have a greenhouse that will employ at least one person in order to provide for food security and also to reduce unemployment within the new eco-communities.
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Headquarters Fiapre, Catholic University Avenue, Sunyani, Ghana

SDG’s of application

The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity everywhere.
Clean water and sanitation
SDG 6 icon
Affordable and clean energy
SDG 7 icon
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 9 icon
SDG 11
Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 11 icon
SDG 12
Responsible consumption and production
SDG 12 icon

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