CAVITECH' technology allows a radical reduction of Wastewater Treatment costs, used energy, and environment impact
TypeStartup or self-employed
Company Size12
Member Type
FoundersJoffe David
Headquarters4/1 Ahim Joffe St.. Petah Tikva, ISRAEL
Social network
Demand: more than 100.000 urban and industrial wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Europe, USA, Japan, and other developed countries. Only the European urban WWTPs consume a total 15,021 GWh/year. Across Europe, water is the fourth most energy-intensive sector, with aeration of activated sludge plants contributing a staggering 2% of net electricity usage. Aeration constitutes 54% to 80% of the total energy consumed in the WWT process. Consequently, a huge amount of energy-associated CO2 is released. The present aeration processes are neither efficient, very economical, nor environment friendly.
Solution: Cavitech ( ACT' Aeration Technology) utilizes innovative methods based on hydrodynamic supercavitation to efficiently mix gas (air containing oxygen) and liquid (treated wastewater). ACT’s unique exploitation of the developed hydrodynamic cavitation phenomena in Cavitech substantially reduces the energy spent to aerate and suspend the activated sludge in WWTP bio-reactors, and as a result, cuts energy consumption &costs, environmental impact.
Competitive advantages: Cavitech reduces energy consumption for aeration in WWTP by 60-80%, while dramatically lowering Capital and Operational costs enabling large sale margins and use of advanced business models like Energy Performance Contracting (ESCO model). We have demonstrated: x4-5 times higher O2 transfer per kWh in comparison to fine-bubble aerators (gold-standard). Also, Cavitech due to its high aeration efficiency needs to inject to water less air, thus generating fewer fumes and harmful aerosols which result from the air sparging effect. Another Cavitech advantage: renewable energy sources like solar and wind can be used to power Cavitech.
Technology Status: TRL7: In 2021-2022 the company has been conducting full-scale industrial performance validation for Aeration Efficiency and other industrially adopted critical KPIs.
Market size: The global Water & Wastewater treatment equipment market is predicted to be valued at $103.41 billion by 2025, rising from $50.65 billion in 2015. The global wastewater aeration systems market will reach $8.39 billion in 2020. In total, there are over 70K WWTPs in Europe. Of this total, there about 22K municipal WWTPs.
Company strategy: CAVITECH develops technology for all types of biological WWTP plants. CAVITECH plans to take advantage of the European market as WWTP need to comply with the EC WasteWater Treatment Directive & European pressure for reductions in energy-intensive industries.
Business model and commercialization: In order to be scalable, we provide technology and follow a B2B through trained and certified distributors. In the short term, the company also foresees creating new revenue models based on energy saving following an ESCO model with financial institutions.
Key partnerships secured: Wastewater treatment operators in Spain and Israel: ESAMUR and Canal de Isabel II ( Spain) Palgey Maim (IL) for demos in AFULA WWTP, Hasolelim WWTP, and Tnuva WWTP. Design offices GIZMAKER, AR and ECLECTIC Suppliers: Grundfos (Denmark) ANDRITZ AG (Austria), and Huber SE Technology (Germany). Research: CENTA (Spain) Water Utilities: EMASESA (Spain) Distributors: WTN (NL)
Funding needs: For the plans outlined in this proposal, we estimate we will need a total of approximately €1.3M until we reach the break-even point (the year 2024). We are requesting a grant of €1.1M, and expecting to raise 1M in EIC equity finance.
Headquarters4/1 Ahim Joffe St.. Petah Tikva, ISRAEL
SDG’s of application
The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity everywhere.
Clean water and sanitation
Affordable and clean energy
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 11
Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 12
Responsible consumption and production
Efficient Solutions
Labelled Solutions from CAVITECH LTD
The Solar Impulse Efficient Solution label seeks to bridge the gap between ecology and economy, bringing together protection of the environment and financial viability to show that these solutions are not expensive fixes to problems, but rather opportunities for clean economic growth.
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