Member - BIOAZUL S.L.

BIOAZUL company (Malaga, Spain) provides innovative technical and business solutions in the environmental, energy engineering and water fields by taking advantage of know-how and techniques acquired through extensive experience in a variety of industrial sectors.BIOAZUL is a rapidly growing company that acts as a catalyst, promoter and facilitator of business and joint research relationships between Spanish companies and research centres and their equivalents from across the world.

Type Company
Founded 2003
Company Size 10
Member Type
Founders Antonia M. Lorenzo López
Headquarters 29001 Málaga, Province de Malaga, Espagne
Social network


BIOAZUL (Malaga, Spain) is an engineering SME focused on process engineering, wastewater treatment and water reuse concepts, as well as energy efficiency. It has a wide experience in providing integrated solutions to its clients, designing, constructing and commissioning tailor-made complete treatment and water production systems for urban and industrial applications, designing control modules and control philosophy. BIOAZUL also provides its industrial clients with technical assistance for the optimisation, validation and management of their production plants and control systems, as well as for the implementation of energy saving solutions. BIOAZUL services thus include the improvement of the technical/ economic performance of existing plants and integration of state-of-the-art technologies for retrofitting obsolete installations or for their energetic optimisation. The company has designed, constructed and tested numerous pilot plants and prototypes for several FP6, FP7 and H2020 (among others) EU research and demonstration projects such as NaWaTech, PURATREAT, ALGATEC I and ALGATEC II, TREAT&USE, Water2REturn, PAVITR and RichWater in the fields of wastewater treatment and reuse (municipal and industrial), food wastes management (solid and liquid mainly coming from the agro-food industry) and biomass production (for energy purposes). In addition to BIOAZUL’s technical expertise in developing eco-innovative (water) solutions, the company has a stong profile in the project management area. BIOAZUL has in-depth know-how both of the available funding tools (FP6, FP7, IEE, Eco-Innovation, H2020) and the necessary technical, financial and administrative procedures for and successfully managing private and public funded R&D&I projects. This knowledge together with the company's extensive network of technological and commercial contacts all over Europe has facilitated BIOAZUL to set up strong R&D&I proposals on circular economy, environmentally-sound agriculture, food technology and water and solid waste management finally funded by the EC, in which BIOAZUL takes care of management, coordination and R&D&I tasks. The company has assumed the role of project or scientific coordinator of several national and international research projects (Europe, Latin America, Africa); BIOAZUL has been partner, administrative coordinator and general coordinator of more than 30 EU projects within FP6, FP7 and the Programmes under the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI), as well as 12 projects in H2020, 1 PRIMA and 1 Erasmus +. BIOAZUL is member of the Water Europe Platform, leading the Water and AgriFood working group (, Network partner of the EIT Food, the european leading initiative on food innovation (, SAVE-FOOD Network: Global Initiative on Food Loss and Waste Reduction (FAO,, the EIP Water Action Group: WIRE- Water & Irrigated agriculture Resilient Europe (AG112) ( and the Food for Life Platform (, among others. Last but not least, BIOAZUL signed in April 2013 the United Nations Global Compact (, a call to companies to align strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and take actions that advance societal goals. Since July 2019, BIOAZUL is enrolled in the CEO Water Mandate ( to advance in the sustainable water management.
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Headquarters 29001 Málaga, Province de Malaga, Espagne

SDG’s of application

The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity everywhere.
Clean water and sanitation
SDG 6 icon
Affordable and clean energy
SDG 7 icon
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 9 icon
SDG 11
Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 11 icon
SDG 12
Responsible consumption and production
SDG 12 icon

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