Member - betteries AMPS GmbH

Mobile, modular, multi-purpose and connected 2nd life power solutions based on upcycled EV-batteries.

Type Startup or self-employed
Founded 2018
Company Size 20
Member Type
Founders Dr Rainer Hoenig
Headquarters 14167 Berlin, Germany
Social network


betteries has developed the first mobile, modular, multi-purpose and connected energy storage system using second life batteries from e-vehicles (EV) to be used for both stationary and mobile storage applications. The building block of our power systems – the betterPack – is a 48V, 2.3kWh, 2kW DC battery module which integrates the required control electronics (i.e. the battery management system) in a robust and waterproof (IP67) casing. Thanks to our patented electro-mechanical interface, the standardized system elements can be seamlessly connected like Lego© bricks as a “click & go” system. Such modularity offers the required flexibility to adjust battery capacity to individual demand, from small to large. The versatility translates into a battery system unit that remains unchanged regardless of its use in DC (e-mobility, DC appliances) or AC applications (on-grid backup, off-grid primary power). Besides the different hardware components, our power systems are fully digitalized and connected enabling the transferring of battery system data (including battery health and performance data) in a cloud-based backbone platform, where it is stored. We are currently developing a Battery Analytics module that by means of ML algorithms will provide us with predictive maintenance capabilities. In addition, such connectivity is key to enable a Battery-as-a-Service business model. Additionally, the digital platform will support fleet operators to manage their e-vehicles facilitating in this way a Mobility-as-a-Service model. Our mission at betteries is to maximize the impact of our solution but supporting the decarbonization roadmaps of both developed and emerging economies. For developed economies, betteries focuses on decarbonizing strategic sectors that still rely on the use of fuel-based generators for their off-grid activities, as it is the case of the construction industry, and filming and recreational sector. New legislation is forcing these industries to reduce their C-footprint – the lack of clean, portable and flexible energy storage solutions that adapt to the wide range of needs of those sectors hinders their decarbonization. In emerging economies, we focus on offering a portable and clean energy source for off-grid productives uses of communities that lack access to the grid. In this case, the BaaS business model has proven successful as it eliminates the barrier for the upfront investment whilst turns profitable and provides steady incomes. Thanks to a project deployment strategy in cooperation with EPCs, NGOs, and governmental authorities, as well as integrators, we will be able to offer not only off-grid PUE but also mini-grid back-up storage. This year we have reached to very important milestones: firstly, we have completed certification (CE, UN and IEC) of the betterPack; and secondly, we have recently opened the manufacturing line of betterPack thanks to our industrial partnership with EV pioneer Renault-Mobilize. These two milestones have enabled us to start sales by mid September 2022, serving our first costumers - filming equipment distributors - with our innovative power solutions.
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Headquarters 14167 Berlin, Germany

SDG’s of application

The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity everywhere.
Clean water and sanitation
SDG 6 icon
Affordable and clean energy
SDG 7 icon
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 9 icon
SDG 11
Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 11 icon
SDG 12
Responsible consumption and production
SDG 12 icon

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