
EuroQuity is the web service created by Bpifrance in partnership with KfW to put growth companies in contact with development partners and with investors in particular.

The service is available to all types of investor and advisory companies who want to add their profile. The service's advanced functionalities are reserved for companies based in France and Belgium or belonging to a community.

EuroQuity is operated by Bpifrance in France and by SOWALFIN in Belgium. Its goal is to gradually move into other countries each time a major public operator is available to lead it.

To access the service, you must first complete your user profile, introduce your business and describe your needs.

You can then apply for one or more labels or communities. This recognition will make you more visible and increase your value in the eyes of other EuroQuity users.

EuroQuity partners with startup communities and labels, such as the Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label (see official page), to attract more startups and provide credibility reflected in their EQ Score. Companies can create a profile and affiliate themselves to the label they have received. If you are already a Solar Impulse Efficient Solution and want to benefit from this opportunity, join the EuroQuity network by clicking here.

By EuroQuity