Member - Atinary Technologies

Machine learning startup making R&D and discovery of advanced materials and molecules 10x faster, better and greener.

Type Startup or self-employed
Founded 2019
Company Size 9
Member Type
Founders Loïc Roch; Hermann Tribukait
Headquarters 1066 Épalinges, Switzerland
Social network
Atinary Technologies


Atinary is a machine learning (ML) software startup based in Lausanne and Silicon Valley with the mission to accelerate optimization and R&D of breakthrough materials and molecules by 10x. The name Atinary comes from the verb in Spanish "atinar", which means hit, as in hit the target. Atinary's leading ML technology can hit targets 10 to 100 times faster. Why does accelerated materials discovery matter? Accelerating R&D matters because materials are essential to improve our lives and tackle some of humanity’s biggest challenges. For example, better materials are key to reduce pollution and address climate change, and to improve health. We need better materials to get rid of microplastics and to develop a) more affordable batteries that last longer and are not toxic; b) more efficient solar cells that can be deployed everywhere; and c) more effective carbon capture, use and sequestration tech. Similarly, to discover new medicines and vaccines, we need to find the optimal conditions to hit the right molecules. Fortunately, there are more molecules and materials waiting to be found than visible stars in a starry night, or grains of sand on Earth. Thus, the opportunity is immense! Products: Atinary offers proprietary ML algorithms that can be deployed seamlessly in existing workflows using Atinary’s no-code software platform, SDLabs. Users of SDLabs can accelerate R&D and discovery by 10x by augmenting lab scientists with machine learning technology that is simple to use, accessible in the cloud, and user friendly. With SDLabs users can deploy ML algorithms to solve multi-objective optimization problems with multiple parameters, including categorical variables and non-linear constraints. Thus, SDLabs users can hit optimal chemical reactions to find the best materials and molecules in months or weeks, instead of years. Atinary’s SDLabs has been deployed and validated across industries and sectors, including in energy, climate tech, pharma, biotech, chemicals, and materials.
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Headquarters 1066 Épalinges, Switzerland

SDG’s of application

The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity everywhere.
Clean water and sanitation
SDG 6 icon
Affordable and clean energy
SDG 7 icon
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 9 icon
SDG 11
Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 11 icon
SDG 12
Responsible consumption and production
SDG 12 icon

Efficient Solutions

Labelled Solutions from Atinary Technologies

The Solar Impulse Efficient Solution label seeks to bridge the gap between ecology and economy, bringing together protection of the environment and financial viability to show that these solutions are not expensive fixes to problems, but rather opportunities for clean economic growth.

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