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Carbonization of organic waste mixed with plastic for an efficient decomposition
Plastalyst is a chemical catalyst that provides an on-site solution to decompose plastic waste at a lower temperature than conventional alternatives. Its incineration requires very high temperature resulting in the emission of dioxin, tar and a significant amount of greenhouse gas. Thanks to its low-temperature, continuous patented technology, this affordable and compact solution is more economically viable compared to pyrolysis or incineration and can be powered with renewable energy in off-grid areas. Plastalyst allows chemical companies, plastic companies and many others to stop shipping their plastic waste to centralized, remote facilities and start their own waste management system on site.
AC Biode
AC Biode upcycles coal ash, biomass ash, or sewer sludge ash into multi-functional chemical composite, such as absorbent
Cambridge Cleantech
Cambridge Cleantech is a successful network organization that has, since 2011, brokered hundreds of key business collaborations in the cleantech industry.
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