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Sign upReplaces single-use packaging with reusable, available, affordable and more ecological packaging
Replaces single-use packaging with reusable, available, affordable and more ecological packaging
The reCIRCLE concept is simple and is already used in 6 European countries. It replaces the disposable packaging of on-the-go catering with high-quality, washable, microwaveable, tight-fitting containers and cups with lids. The products are made of durable plastic and are recyclable after hundreds of uses, at the end of life. The innovation lies in the combination between networks, products and service. It is suitable for restaurateurs who want to pack their food and beverage in a stylish and sustainable way and for consumers who want to enjoy their food on the go without waste. It works like a deposit system and the products are returnable and exchangeable in all the restaurant partners. The products never lose value, they can be returned in every state, except if the lid is missing. This way the circle is closed and the general public can enjoy a circular economy in everyday life and zero-waste packaging.
reCIRCLE is the Swiss industry solution offering reusable packaging for takeaway catering.
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