Membro - Zify


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Zify is a carpooling enabler. We create collective and eco-friendly commuting experiences that help reduce road traffic!

Tipo Startup or self-employed
Fondato 2015
Dimensioni dell'azienda 9
Tipo membro
Fondatori Anurag Rathor
Sede operativa 75002 Paris, France
Social network

Su di noi

Zify was initially created in 2015 by Anurag Rathor in his home-town Hyderabad, India. Anurag used to share his daily commutes with his fellow employees and understood the potential of carpooling when he began covering his commute costs entirely. The environmental and social benefits associated to carpooling were so great that he decided to make it his life mission to democratize this mode of transportation. Following the creation of Zify, Anurag hired a team of technical engineers and developed a mobile application which allowed them to expand their user base. Zify is today the first carpooler in India, present in major cities like Hyderabad, Bangalore and New Delhi. Wanting to continue the expansion of Zify and further democratize carpooling outside India, Anurag travelled throughout Europe and took part in various accelerator programs in Germany and Ireland until he settled down in Paris, France and moved Zify’s headquarters to the city of lights. An international team of marketers and business developers were hired in order to expand in the French market. Zify is today growing through corporate partnerships and is rapidly becoming an innovator in the carpooling industry. Zify is today present in India, France, Germany and Ireland and Zify’s international team is devoted to making carpooling the mobility solution of tomorrow. The startup is today a member of the French Tech Ticket, the Techstars accelerator program and the United Nation’s Global Compact. Since the start of the adventure, Zify has facilitated over 3 million successful trips and counts as many as 450 000 regular users. Zify is helping save the planet, is allowing individuals and families reduce their transportation costs, and is allowing each and every user make friends along the way.
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Sede operativa 75002 Paris, France

SDG di applicazione

Gli Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile sono una chiamata all'azione per porre fine alla povertà, proteggere il pianeta e garantire pace e prosperità ovunque.
Acqua pulita e servizi igienici
SDG 6 icon
Energia pulita e conveniente
SDG 7 icon
Industria, innovazione e infrastrutture
SDG 9 icon
SDG 11
Città e comunità sostenibili
SDG 11 icon
SDG 12
Consumo e produzione responsabili
SDG 12 icon

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