01. Collaboration
Des solutions propres et rentables pour le secteur des TIC
La Fondation Solar Impulse et ses partenaires unissent leurs forces afin d'accélérer l'adoption de solutions propres et rentables pour le secteur des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC).
01. Collaboration
02. Avantages
03. Solutions
04. Implémentations
Commown by Commown implemented by Etamine in Lyon (France) in 2018
LightFi by LightFi implemented by University of Cambridge in Cambridge (Royaume-Uni) in 2018
Rockease Platform by Rockease implemented by VINCI Energies S.A. in Bordeaux (France) in 2022
Data Recycling® by Systnaps implemented by Randstad Group in Saint-Denis (France) in 2022
Kaiterra Enterprise IAQ Monitoring Solutions by Kaiterra implemented by Gangnam City in Séoul (Corée du Sud) in 2018
Qarnot (QH-1) by Qarnot computing implemented by Département de la Gironde in Bordeaux (France) in 2018
GenCell A5 off-grid energy solution by GenCell Energy implemented by Vodafone Mobile in Bucarest (Roumanie) in 2022
Too Good To Go by Too Good To Go implemented by City of Copenhagen in Copenhague (Danemark) in 2016
Too Good To Go by Too Good To Go implemented by Okay in Halle (Belgique) in 2024
05. Défis