01. Définition
Solutions au changement climatique
Les experts du climat sont formels : la terre se réchauffe et à un rythme soutenu. En cause, l'augmentation des gaz à effet de serre d'origine humaine, avec pour conséquences des crises sanitaires, écologiques et humanitaires dont nous voyons les prémices. Que signifie le changement climatique ? Quelles sont les causes du changement climatique et ses conséquences ? Et enfin quelles sont les solutions possibles ?
01. Définition
02. Campagnes
03. Impacts
04. Solutions
05. Implémentations
Offshore Floating Solar Units by SolarinBlue implemented by Port de Sète in Sète (France) in 2023
Offshore Floating Solar Units by SolarinBlue implemented by Port de Sète in Sète (France) in 2023
STOLECT Carnot battery by Stolect implemented by SNCF in Rennes (France) in 2022
Watèa by Michelin by Michelin implemented by Entreprise de livraison in Grenoble (France) in 2021
Internationally scalable waste anaesthetic capture and recycling system by SageTech Medical Equipment implemented by Bupa - Cromwell Hospital in Londres (Royaume-Uni) in 2024
HighKi Wood and SuteKi Wood by Kiwood implemented by SNERCT in Paris (France) in 2022
Renewable protein by Kyanos Biotechnologies implemented by B2B in Toulouse (France) in 2016
BioVALO by IDEAL Environnement implemented by SCEA Du Mont Au Roux in Cléville (France) in 2021
SolarisKit by SolarisKit Ltd implemented by Zima Homes in Nairobi (Kenya) in 2024
Attributes Power by Attributes implemented by Air Products in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier (France) in 2018
Simplanterou by E-attract implemented by Keolis in Lyon (France) in 2020
ElectricFeel Shared Mobility OS by ElectricFeel implemented by City of Basel (Switzerland) in Bâle (Suisse) in 2018
Renewex Energy Platform by Renewex implemented by Arkolia Énergies in Montpellier (France) in 2022
Renewex Energy Platform by Renewex implemented by Arkolia Energies in Montpellier (France) in 2022
Urban Smart Ecopark by Obwstreetstyle implemented by City of Angers in Angers (France) in 2019
Ways2H Hydrogen Solution by Ways2H, Inc. implemented by United Kingdom in ROYAUME-UNI (Royaume-Uni) in 2021
06. Conclusion