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Sign upA customer engagement platform that offers end-customers control of their energy consumption
A customer engagement platform that offers end-customers control of their energy consumption
Utilities find it challenging to differentiate their offering in a more competitive market place, have difficulties creating loyal customers that stays with them, and they have high costs of customer service. The first two are linked to the challenge with many markets opening up which puts more competitive pressure on utilities to offer great services or they risk loosing their customers. At the same time, their customers expect more from digital services than in the past as they have grown accustomed to services from tech companies. The Eliq customer engagement platform and apps bring utilities all over the world closer to their customers by offering self-service and insights giving end-customers total control of their consumption. Self-service functionality includes seeing the latest bills, an overview of contracts, and submit meter reads. Insights functionality includes forecasting of their consumption, comparison of their consumption with similar households, and a breakdown of their energy consumption into ten different categories showing how their energy is used in their home. This results in the utility getting 10x engagement from their end-customers, reduced churn, reduced cost-to-serve, and increased in-app up-selling.
Eliq is an energy management company, dedicated to improve the way we use energy in our everyday life.
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