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EPS 55 Adopted by Pratt & Whitney in Quebec for Regional Hybrid-Electric Flight Program

Implementation Date

June 16, 2022


Pratt & Whitney



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Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC) has selected H55 S.A., the technological spin-off of Solar Impulse, to provide the battery pack for the company’s regional hybrid-electric flight demonstrator program. H55 is the leading enabler for electric aviation. The core of H55’s product offering include a lightweight, modular, and certifiable energy storage and management system. Hybrid-electric propulsion technology is a core element of Pratt & Whitney’s strategy for continually advancing the efficiency of aircraft propulsion systems, in support of the industry-wide goal of achieving net zero CO2 emissions for aviation by 2050.

Impact & Result

The operating costs associated with flying are significantly reduced with the adoption of electric aircraft. The cost of electrical energy required for flight is approximately €6.34 per hour, which is substantially lower than the current expenses associated with traditional aviation. By comparison, the hourly operating costs for conventional aircraft using fossil fuels range between €160 and €220. This dramatic cost reduction not only makes flying more economical but also enhances the long-term sustainability of the aviation industry by minimizing dependence on expensive and volatile fuel sources.

Solution Spotlight

EPS55 is designed to maximise and optimise the use of battery technologies for electric powered aeroplanes. EPS55 proprietary systems replace the conventional fuel-powered aircraft engine with a battery-powered system that aims to eliminate carbon emissions while offering a cleaner (zero GHG emissions), quieter (noise levels less than 55dB), and cost-effective alternative to current propulsion systems for small aeroplanes. EPS55 has perfected the management and monitoring of battery systems, controlling the charging and discharging processes to power the engine drivetrain. This is achieved through a double monitoring system (analogue and digital) that monitors over 100 battery nodes individually, with an independent power supply, with minimal exposure to signal interference during operation. EPS55 monitors battery cells independently for overheating, wear and malfunctions, giving immediate warnings once an issue has been identified. All monitoring and display are done using in-house developed and patented software and hardware that minimises the risk of signal interference during operation. EPS55 is firstly intended to power electrical aircraft trainer (or e-trainer), and in a second phase, EPS55 will power incoming electrical vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL).

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