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Sign upCost-effective antibiotic-free microbial selection to boost fermentation production
Cost-effective antibiotic-free microbial selection to boost fermentation production
The increasing regulatory requirements to which biological agents are subjected will have a great impact on all industries that use microbial fermentation-based production. There is an expectation that in the near future, zero-tolerance will apply to antibiotics. Besides the antibiotic itself, avoidance of using antibiotic resistance genes is clearly of critical importance because their complete absence is the only way to avoid their propagation in the environment or transfer of resistance to pathogenic bacteria. Syngulon antibiotic-free selection technology is based on the use of bacteriocins, discovered in 1925 by Belgian scientist Andre Gratia, that are natural antimicrobial peptide. Syngulon Solution is a cost-effective, antibiotic-free selection innovation to boost microbial fermentation.
Syngulon is a synthetic biology startup developing original genetic technologies using bacteriocins.
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