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Sign upRecycled polymer compounds applied to non-structural material in the construction industry
Recycled polymer compounds applied to non-structural material in the construction industry
With a new constructive system, lego type, to reduce construction costs and construction time. We are in the process of applying for several patents of different polymer compounds that we have developed, as well as the new lego-type construction system that we design for the homes we are building. We work based on generating 100% sustainable products, with a short, medium and long term objective, as well as their reuse or recycling after use. For example, the homes we are about to build are based on recycled polymer compounds, with non-toxic minerals and other additives developed by ourselves.
WAS Company
Worldwide Accountability Solutions generates and integrates high social and environmental impact solutions with a tech.
Cleantech market intelligence and innovation company. We work to enable the development of breakthrough clean technologies to accelerate financing and adoption of solutions to climate change.
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