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Sunstore Powerpan

An integrated solar/biochar hybrid food processing and electricity generating unit for off-grid communities

October 2020
August 2023

Sunstore Powerpan

An integrated solar/biochar hybrid food processing and electricity generating unit for off-grid communities

  • World Alliance Member
  • Featured Solution
  • Labelled Solution
Label Date August 11, 2023
From United Kingdom
Maturity stage TRL 6 / 7 - Prototype demonstration 1:1

The Sunstore Powerpan XLM has been designed to address the problems of food and fuel poverty, smoke and water pollution, deforestation and loss of biodiversity, low human productivity, access to electricity for rural communities and climate change. It combines a solar concentrating lens with an integrated fire bed that can operate individually or in a hybrid combination. The fire bed has been designed to burn bio-char pyro-formed from crop waste and can incorporate thermo-electric generators and provide up to 2kWh of electricity per day to off-grid communities. The unit has also been designed to solar track for 8 hours while filtering drinking water. The Sunstore Powerpan XLM can provide 2000 (330g) portions of food per day. Where displacing biomass burning on open fires, it can save between 30-40 tonnes of CO2 per annum. This equates to 15 mature trees. The appliance represents the world's most cost-effective and environmentally friendly feeding station.

The Environmental Benefits

  • The Sunstore Powerpan XLM will be the worlds most cost effective feeding station; designed for schools, hospitals, refugee camps and disaster relief
  • The unit can work in solar, biochar or hybrid mode depending on wether conditions and on the low oxygen supply setting can be left to cook overnight delivering 150 portions of porridge/rice/pap for a community breakfast
  • The unit uses a unique inverted Fresnel lens in combination with flat plat heat pipes and integrated thermo-electric generators
  • Under normal operating conditions (8am-10pm) the unit can save up to 40 tonnes of CO2 per annum, the bio-char used in the fire tray is pyro-formed from crop waste with a 15% energy penalty
  • Solar energy can displace carbon based fuel sources and their associated smoke pollution (the unit reduces over 95% of air borne particules), solar and bio-char are a renewable resource and all parts of the unit are re-usable or recyclable
  • Protection of the local biosphere

The Financial Benefits

  • The unit will be leased free of charge and risk to NGOs etc. & revenues will accrue from carbon credits as well as food, potable water and electricity sales (win-win scenario)
  • Reducing the cost of fuel such as LPG and paraffin for cooking

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Company Profile

Sunstore Technologies Ltd

Sunstore Technologies has developed the Sunstore Powerpan XL: a micro solar combined heat and power, food processing unit for off-grid communities.

Headquarters Gardner's Cres, Edinburgh EH3 8DG, UK
Type Company
View company profile Solution website


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