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Sign upFuel-efficient biomass cookstoves for sustainable living in sub-saharan africa
Fuel-efficient biomass cookstoves for sustainable living in sub-saharan africa
Brun products provide consumers with a cost-effective solution to the issues presented by traditional cooking methods. With the fastest-growing population on earth, Africa will require the proliferation of millions of improved cookstoves to avoid catastrophic environmental and health impacts associated with the inefficient use of biomass resources. The use of Jikokoa contributes to significant savings of time (both for cooking and fuel procurement) and money which can be utilized for other needs like education, healthcare, and income-generating activities. In Kenya, a family saves on average $96/year, which is equivalent to a monthly average salary in rural Kenya. Jikokoa contributes to the reduction of indoor air pollution (smoke, particulate matter, and carbon monoxide), resulting in a decrease in respiratory diseases, headaches, and itchy eyes. One Jikokoa reduces greenhouse gas emissions by up to 4.46 tons of CO2 per annum and therefore helps to combat climate change.
BURN Manufacturing Co.
BURN designs, manufactures and distributes aspirational fuel-efficient cooking products that save lives and forests.
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