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Sign upClean Air As a Service: new air quality standard, nature-based / IoT monitored, contributing to the planet's depollution
Clean Air As a Service: new air quality standard, nature-based / IoT monitored, contributing to the planet's depollution
99% of the population is exposed to unsafe air. U-Earth is a biotech company with an ambition to make pure air a human right. So the company has developed the first sustainable, nature-based, plug-and-play system for heavy loads of air pollution capture and natural destruction using bacteria: Pure Air Zone. Pure Air Zone is a “pure air area” that boasts a clean air qualification based on U-Earth's biotech suite of products, IoT and cloud technology, and protocols, including U-Ox®, U-Earth’s proprietary formulation that neutralizes air contaminants safely. The solution helps organizations keep employees/customers safe, safeguarding business continuity and offering them a data-driven tool to enhance their ESG goals and support their branding efforts. Pure Air Zone is offered to companies across different industries in the form of Clean air As A Service, making the solution accessible to everyone. Every Pure Air Zone contributes, in a measurable way, to the decontamination of the planet.
U-Earth biotechnologies
U-Earth is a biotech company aimed at making pure air a human right by providing cutting-edge nature-based solutions.
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