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Sign upA new hybrid technology for lighter automotive interior panels and using less plastic
A new hybrid technology for lighter automotive interior panels and using less plastic
There is an ongoing revolution for cleaner mobility. In response to these challenges, EU, US and Chinese authorities have significantly reduced the CO2 emission standards for cars and push the use of renewable materials. Accordingly, the entire mobility industry is going through the largest industry shift in decades. One of the major challenges consists of cutting weight in vehicles, to increase their autonomy and decrease battery power. To address these needs, Bcomp develops and sells game-changing renewable material solutions, increasing performance, decreasing weight, and reducing the environmental impact of its customers’ products. The proprietary powerRibs reinforcement technology is inspired by the thin veins in leaves to provide maximal stiffness at minimal weight. Combined with ampliTex technical fabrics it forms a full natural fibre layup but can also be used to reinforce other thin shell materials, with the potential of cutting up to 40 % weight and reducing use of plastics by up to 80% in interior panels.
Bcomp Ltd
Bcomp develops sustainable lightweighting solutions for high performance applications from sports to space.
As an expert for the innovation scene in energy and environmental technologies, CleantechAlps (Sion, Switzerland) is a hub for the cleantech ecosystem, connecting its stakeholders with relevant partners.
The Enterprise Europe Network
The Enterprise Europe Network helps businesses innovate and grow on an international scale. It is the world’s largest support network for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with international ambitions.
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