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Ai-powered tool for smart water management and pipelines risk identification
In many cities around the world, drinking water and wastewater infrastructure was built between the 1940s and 1970s, meaning that a significant percentage of these assets is close to or has already reached the end of its useful life. Water infrastructures are crumbling and in need of replacement and repair, especially today with climate change causing significant temperature and drought variations, putting additional strain on these infrastructures. CANN forecast developed InteliPipes, a tool which enables the identification of vulnerable pipes within a city's water distribution system in order to make proactive decisions concerning the rehabilitation of water main pipes. These tools were developed using artificial intelligence models that rely on available data to provide useful insights to decision makers to help municipalities decide which water main pipes should be replaced in order to limit water loss.
Cann Forecast
CANN Forecast Software Inc. (CANN) applies artificial intelligence to the water management industry.
We leverage provincial and territorial strengths to support the scale-up of Canadian cleantech.
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